Anybody with stomache problems | Arthritis Information


I was diagnosed with Fibro in '99' and RA in 04. I have had problems with my stomache after I eat I get nausea and indigestion bad. Diagnosed with IBS. I lost 30 pounds last year and can't afford to loose another 30. Anyone know any herbs or anything that might help?I doubt you'll find much in the way of info connected with herbs at this site. We're fairly well entrenched with solid western medicine. You might try an alternative medicine site. I too have problems with my stomach. With in the last 8 months I have lost 50 pounds. It doenst matter what I eat, I suffer. Nexium, Prilosec, Malox, you name it, nothing works. Food is my worst enemy. I cringe each time I have to eat. Wish I could help you, however, for myself, I too am screaming in the streets!

Cynthia I tkink I just heard you OH NO that was me.(LOL)

Thanks a bunch and if I find anything I will let you know...

Dosen't have to be Herbs. Any odd food we americans don't usually eat. Anything that may mend.

Great! i will keep checking back now and then to see if you bring any news. ALL THE NSAIDS GAVE ME ULCERS.  PREVICAD (THINK THAT'S HOW YOU SPELL IT) HELPS WITH STOMACH PROBLEMS.  ASK YOUR RHEUMY FOR SAMPLES. KarenNTx38737.8380439815

If you are on the anit-imfammatory drugs you need to talk with your dr about switching to the DMARDS less chance of stomach upset.

Also, if you have IBS then any stress you experience can cause the problems you've listed.  In '03 I was forced to retire from a job I loved that was literaly killing me, A month later my mother died from lung cancer.  To say I was under stress is an understatement and then the IBS kicked in and I lost 60 pounds before it finally slowed down.

I still have problemns every once in a while but not to the extent I had then.

Try to get your stress levels lowered, if you're on NaSAids then tlak to your dr about switching to DMARDS since the NaSaids can really tear up your stomach after you've been on them for a while.

Good luck, from someone that's been there, done that and don't want to go back
