OT - Disappointed Star Trek Fans | Arthritis Information


I'm sad to hear that. I've always enjoyed Star Trek. My favorite movie was the one with the whales and my favorite tv show was Next Generation. I've never dressed up in a costume though and I don't understand Klingon!

Did you look at the link?


Well, I looked at it but couldn't listen because we are watching tv too. I thought the fans did not like it. Was I wrong?

Way wrong, sweetie - it's from the Onion.  My hubby almost spit his soda on the computer.  FUNNY!

PS - Loved The Voyage Home - absolute best
Spock: Your use of language has altered since our arrival. It is currently laced with, shall we say, more colorful metaphors, "double dumb-ass on you" and so forth.
Kirk: Oh, you mean the profanity?
Spock: Yes.
Kirk: Well that's simply the way they talk here. Nobody pays any attention to you unless you swear every other word.
I know I'm like the only geek out there who doesn't like Star Trek.  I just never saw the attraction.  In fact, my aversion to Star Trek and Star Wars inevitably causes me to lose valuable points on the various geek/nerdity quizzes floating around on the 'net.

Pip... that's the last time I'll try to make sense of watching a video without sound.. and at the same time as watching tv too.  It makes one wonder though how difficult life must be to be deaf, especially newly deaf.

Jas... that's ok, there are plenty of genre choices out there and plenty of people interested in each.  I for one, find romance novels so predictable they are boring.

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