OT Santa Barbara fire only blocks away-evacuated! | Arthritis Information


My poor daughter just called from a conference in Chicago. Her business and her home in Santa Barbara, CA are being evacuated because the awful fire is only blocks away.

She and her business partner have been working so hard to set up their business in this down economic time and so proud of it. Hubby and I and my mom are all set to go visit next week for their big Open House/ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; sure hope and pray the winds die down and the fire doesn't reach her home and new offices! She's so worried about all their equipment and files and her home possessions, including her beloved musical instruments and quilts I've made her. But the biggest worry is her little dog. Her friend is taking care of him while she's gone so I assured her he will be OK. If I lived closer, I would go get her little chihuaua-dauchsund-miniature pincher mix (I call him a chihua-oxie-pin !).  Anyway, please remember her in your prayers.
Oh no! Can she call anyone to go rescue her sentimental treasures (instruments, quilts) that can't be replaced?  That really sucks.  I truly hope that the fires don't take their property. Apparently, fire dept won't allow people to go into those areas that evacuations were mandated. I know a person can replace most possessions, but not the photos, handmade treasures and things of sentimental attachments. And her business already has a big loan.
This is a gorgeous place to live, but bad fires do occur, mainly due to winds. I guess everyplace has it's own weather problem.
Here in the Midwest we have twisters.  If you're lucky you'll get a 10 minute warning to head to the basement if one is heading towards your area.  Thankfully they tend to cut a narrow path as they rampage across the countryside, and they last less than an hour.  If you're in the path, you're screwed... but the house next door might be totally unharmed (or perhaps just missing a few shingles from the roof).

We also have floods, but luckily we don't live in a flood plain.  Our house is relatively high up.  There's never been damage from a flood in my neighborhood, at least for the past 100 years or so.  My family has been in this area for at least that long - I live across the street from where my great uncle lived, just up the street from where my great grandparents lived and within a mile of where both of my parents grew up.

I guess I need to get out more!!! Cathy....... I will definitely be keeping her in my thouights...... and her little puppers tooFri am update.....
Daughter, still stuck in Chicago, got called by landlord today. The house is in imminent danger of catching fire! He said he will try to get there and save one item each for her and her housemate (also in another state right now). Vanessa chose her prized possession; her violin (she plays with Santa Barbara Orchestra on the side, for fun). I hope he can. A friend has her little dog and asked to borrow her car, so they are safe. If she loses her home, all she will have will be her dog, her car, maybe her violin, and whatever is in her suitcase she took to the business conference.
Reality check for me.... things could be worse for DH and me. In preparation for losing our home, we are giving away, selling our furniture and many possessions... but not the sentimental things! Our poor daughter may lose all photos, souvenirs, gifts, handmade items given her and her musical instruments, many sentimental (piano my DH's from childhood, folk harp handmade by a dear musical friend who died). Not to mention all the quilt projects I've made her. I told her she's enjoyed those for years and I will make her more. I also will surprise her with a collection of framed photos of each of those quilt projects to display on a wall in her future home.
We have no money to help her, but we did offer to go help in other ways (8hour trip). She said no because she'll be staying with that friend and all motels are full of displaced local residents and the tent shelters set up now are not for visiting families. So we'll just wait and see what happens.
We are still praying the fire doesn't reach her house or jumps over it!
Cathy I will definately pray for your daughter, please keep us posted.Oh Cathy, what a terrible thing to have happen.  I feel so sorry for your daughter and housemate.  It's such a helpless feeling.  I've been through one of the worst California fires - the Oakland fire and I know what you're feeling.  If the worst happens all you can do is be there for support.  I hope her puppy is safe.  My thoughts are with all of you.  LindyHope things turn out better then is expected. I will keep your daughter and housemate in my prayers. Many times the fires do jump over whole streets.  Here's praying for that to happen.
Lindy, wow, I remember the Oakland fires.... truly devastating. We were at the Halloween Pumpkin Festival in San Francisco and could see all the smoke across the Bay.
A Santa Barbara friend just emailed me that she was given 15min notice to evacuate then sheriffs came around to be sure. She had already packed many photos in her little car earlier when told to be on alert. Then she got the call. They have a system now called "reverse 911" where the authorities call us about an emergency. It worked. Unfortunately, the shelter at the University (UCSB) isn't allowing pets, so she and her 3 big dogs stayed in the car overnight in a park parking lot with no bathroom etc. She gave up, told her job about it(she works in hospital so they were probably unhappy) and drove 3hours to her dad's where she is now. I hope the fire doesn't reach her home either. 
My daughter does not have RA, but considering she is adopted, she sure has medical problems like I always have. She has just had her best year ever since age 17 when her Mono/Epstein Barrr triggered Lupus. She's had very bad years with lungs and kidneys. Besides Lupus, she has Polycystic Kidney Disease, only gotten by heredity. After her first bad 1/2year illness of lungs, asthma started so I warned her to have meds handy when she is in the Santa Barbara fire's smoke filled air. Skin blisters, she thought was Lupus, and dark purple urine sent her to dr 2 weeks ago. Labwork confirmed Porphyria. At her followup dr visit, we hope they figured out which of the 8 types she has since each one has a different treatment!  The point of this is, as her mom, I'm concerned that all the stress from the fire and her home and all, she may flare-up on even one of her serious illnesses.  
Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She needs them on so many levels!
Dear CathyMarie, my prayers are certainly with your daughter and you. And the 30,000 evacuees of this dreadful fire.
Santa Barbara is such a beautiful town! To live in So. Calif, you must always be prepared for 2 things--Wildfires and earthquakes. Neither become this bad very often, but when  they do it is absolute devastation.
I've lived in San Diego County all my life.  For some reason it seems that the past 10 years, the fires have become worse and worse.
Again, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your  daughter. To lose everything is heartbreaking, but I am thankful she was not personally in danger. The  love and help of friends and family will get her through this.
Much love, Ninii
 edited: TMI
Nini2009-05-09 00:11:43Prayers for you daughter.
I have 2 relatives in Santa Barbara.  Don't know their situation yet.  Will probably be informed after it is over.
Prayers for all.
The am news said the weather was supposed to be better this morning so hopefully they'll be able to gain more control. I'm sorry your family is having to go through this! I'd offer our home as a place to stay, but looking at the map we're quite a hike away.
Oh Gracious! I hate to hear this news. I'll keep your daughter in my prayers....please keep us updated.....I'm sure we'll all be watching for updates.
the latest....
My daughter finally checked in with us. Unfortunately, I don't have answers to all my questions because she called her dad at work this afternoon knowing I was probably asleep for my daily long nap. What he did get though, is that she is ok. Her business is still there, but vandalized already; their brand new, classy, very expensive sign was stolen. Why would someone want a business sign? I hope she took a photo of it before she left for her conference. Sadly, she is not allowed anywhere near her home so she's still scared about it's outcome. She is staying with her friend who had her dog and car. There's no room for us there or at any motel but we can stay at my cousin's about 2hrs away if she wants us to come help clean up or something. I barely clean my own house these days but there are probably small tasks I can do. She said she will call us on Monday; hopefully she will know everything by then. DH didn't think to ask about her asthma in the smoke-filled air.  
The temperature is more mild and the winds are less which are helping the firefighters.
Although improving from the 10% containment to 30% now, it still is very bad. The official guess is this won't be considered controlled until May 13th. Hopefully, her house is safe and continues to remain so.
I will update you again on Monday. Maybe Vanessa will call me tomorrow, if in all the chaos she remembers it is Mother's Day. I sure understand if she doesn't, except that knowing her, she will be so upset with herself later.
Thank you again for all your prayers and concern,
The weather has helped alot, cool and hazy.  Most evacuations lifted but still being cautious.cathy
I really hope all is okay. Everyone there is in my thoughts

GG2009-05-11 19:18:05 I am so sorry that this appeared on this page and I do not know how to remove it!!! GG2009-05-11 19:21:09
TeedOff2009-05-11 19:33:09Just remember - YOU CAN'T RESTART YOUR LIFE IF YOU ARE NOT HERE !!
Human life is much more important than things -- if you are in that situation it is an easy call, GET OUT !!!
Bugger things, bugger photo's, bugger jewellery, bugger everything - just make sure you are safe.
Our fire plan --- grandson, dogs & cats in the cars, open the aviaries and leave.  If it is a false alarm we can always return home, if not we will be alive!
Maz, you are so right about life being so much more important than things. My daughter and her little dog are safe, my friend and her 3 dogs are safe, but one of her friends who had some kind of animal rescue property lost dogs and 23 cats---how awful! I don't know the details, maybe she was restricted from returning home in time. As to pet birds, my poor little cockatiel would've been doomed since he can only fly down... and I do not clip his wings so it's not my fault.
I've noticed something interesting in respect to my RA status.  It hasn't gotten any worse despite all this stress! How lucky is that!
There's been a whole lot of concern over daughter. At the same time, I'm still dealing with all that's ongoing regarding losing our home;  trying to sort & pack and the endless paperwork regarding financial hardship. I have enough trouble with ordinary life. Today all I managed to accomplish was 3 errands and kitchen cleaning before crashing. 2 hours later, I woke up without the bad pains and brain fog. So, I guess my new Ultram Rx is not that much of an improvement after all. Now, I'll sign off here, I'll go through my mail then watch tv with DH, basically a nice evening. You have a nice one too, or night, or morning depending where you live!
Daughter and I had a lovely, lengthy phone call yesterday on Mothers Day. She hopes to have more news tonight. 
Teed, it's ok about the GG post. She said it was a mistake and I believe her. For one thing, it didn't make any sense regarding this thread.
Somehow, she managed to erase it. I think that would be a nice skill for us all to have... how is that done?
[QUOTE=CathyMarie]Teed, it's ok about the GG post. She said it was a mistake and I believe her. For one thing, it didn't make any sense regarding this thread.
Somehow, she managed to erase it. I think that would be a nice skill for us all to have... how is that done?
I never noticed until later that GG had written a post in between.
I didn't really know either CathyMarie so I clicked on options, then edit,  then when it came in the window I drug the mouse over it all and hit delete.  It worked.
I know I am right Cathy --- I don't have 6 friends anymore after our bushfires!!
I know how heartbreaking it would be to lose a pet, but there are far worse things to lose and yes I am an animal lover.  I would do everything in my power to get home to release our birds & get the dogs & cat but if I couldn't get through I couldn't get through.  There were people here who lost their lives trying to save a car!  I bet their families don't think it was worth it.
Good luck,
Edited to correct incorrect word
Maz-aust2009-05-11 20:48:42I forgot to tell you that my daughter's fire crisis ended just great!
-no people or pets that she knows were hurt by the fire!
-sadly, a few of her clients did lose their very nice homes.
-her home....although not allowed to go back anywhere near the road her house is on for about 10 days with no reports about it's status, it and her neighbors' homes did escape the fire, in fact, other than ash and smoke, there was no damage done.
-her business...although not allowed to go near the streets near it for many days, it too escaped damage. It did require a big outdoor cleaning up due to ash and graffitti (how did those kids get in the zone with all the cops at every corner?). It turned out that her new sign that was missing was actually taken by the man who made it because he was so worried about the fire. So, with the evacuation order lifted, the clean-up job done, the sign back, and the advertising, the caterer and string quartet already paid for, they did go ahead and have their Grand Opening/Ribbon cutting ceremony event as planned. There was a terrific attendance of over 100 people!
-her health... despite having asthma, lupus, polycystic kidney disease, porphyria, she did not have any bad flare-ups, or at least not until the next week when fevers came and put her to bed. She claimed it was a flu, but I'm not so sure, but anyway, now she is ok again.
Thank you all for your concerns and prayers.  Maz... you didn't need to scold me about people being more important than even pets.  Of course they are! My daughter was quite afraid for her friends and families well-being although none of them fought against evacuation so were as safe as she was.  But losing all you have when you have no way to replace it due to either sentimental attachment or finances still is hard. She, at nearly 30 yrs old,  is struggling on barely minimum wage in a very very expensive county on the coast, so as she must co-rent with others, she only has her bedroom and lives frugaly. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to help her with money and cannot just run over to help her since she lives 8 hours away from us. I was concerned for her health. She was seriously ill for over 6 months with bad lupus lung trouble then for 2 years with kidney problems full of cysts and abscesses. She continually has more minor flares which aren't any fun. Then there is all that goes with asthma, and anaphylaxis attacks from severe allergies. And now, this porphyria. So, you can see why this fire could have been a terrible tragedy in countless different ways. 
I'm going to try to add a photo of her and her business partner at the ribbon cutting.
OK, I give up... I can't figure out how to do it. When I click the above icon for inserting an image, it says I need special permission. Anyway, my daughter is OK!
CathyMarie, I'm so glad that her business and home were untouched.  I'd love to see the pics if you figure it out.  I've sort of given up on downloading pics, haven't had any luck with doing it.  Thanks for updating.  Lindy
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