Chairlift/Stairlift - need advice | Arthritis Information


My stepmom is unable to walk even short distances now, and my parents need to have a stairlift installed in their house (your classic split-level house, perfect for younger families but not so fun when mom and pop get older!!!).  Anyone here have one?  If so, how do you like it?  What brand is it?  How much $$$ did it cost?  Did you do the install yourself (or someone in the family) or did a contractor install it?  How did that process go?

Thanks so much!
Hi Jas

Unfortunately Im in the UK so costs will be different but I have A Stairlift. Its one of the best things I had installed into my house. I used to haul myself up the stairs at the end of the day or if I was flaring and have to sit on the stairs half way up, this has solved that problem. its also good for putting the laundry basket on and sending it up the stairs ( my lift works by remote control too) and meeting it at the top to save carrying
I will take a photo and post it for you. The make is      minivator
They do cost here around £1400
Maybe someone that side of the pond will be able to give you more info. I had the company install mine and they come out and service it regulary. I took them around 3 hours to do. The only thing is if I want tochange the stair carpet they will have to come and remove the rail so we can lift the carpet.
My mother has one too, they are a good idea and take up no extra space really.
Good luck
edit spelling
Mrs Pincushion2009-05-07 08:59:10My dad and I will probably do the install - it's been a while since we've made a big mess OOPS I mean worked on a project together.  I've looked at a couple models online and thei install instructions seem fairly straightforward. The only thing is some models have a cut out switch and that has to be set up, also we had to have the electrics re routed . A lot of companies who you buy from do free installation here, not sure if thats the same thereFrom the little I've seen online so far, installation seems to be about 0.  Sites that offer "free installation" typically charge much more $$$ for the chairlift - nothing's ever free.