RD appointment | Arthritis Information


Starting Lyrica tonight. Also I see a physical medicine doctor next month. Doc was shocked he could get me in so fast. He said it is usually a three month wait. I am pretty miserable still I am waiting till after Greys Anatomy to take the pill. LOL I hope it's not a rerun. The muscles at the base of my neck are pretty swollen so I have to turn my entire body to look someone in the face while they are talking to me. I thought already that I was in pain everywhere. Well I was wrong I have new places hurting.

This appointment was based soully on pain and fibro today. My RA appiontment is in June. That is all I wanted to talk about today anyway. Of course he said if I get anything new to come see him. He said I have a few things going on and wants to figure them all out.
Hope the med change makes a difference for you...
What is a physical medicine dr?
Grey's is new tonight......it's the big wedding!!
Yikes that sounds painful Milly- hope the medicine does the trick! As I understand it sort of like a pain doctor and physical therapist combination. Someone who will look at the pain in my body as a whole and try to make life barable and maybe keep me physically active.Milly, that's very good news.  You deserve some relief, as you have been through so much.  Hang in there ~~ CathyWell I am glad I stayed awake for Greys Anatomy.
I really need someone to take care of all of my troubled body parts. As opposed to going to the foot doctor and the ortho and then the physical theropist. I guess I will find out June 2nd what all this type of doctor does. Something to be hopful for.
Seriously I new I needed something different. I just did not know where to turn.
As usual please forgive the spelling. I am a little foggy but all in all not to bad. Or not much more than usual. I am still going to take my flexeril tonight. So a good nights sleep should be no problem.
It was refreshing that the doctor said I see the swelling. I believe you I can see it. Because some people just right you up for crazy when you tell them the base of your neck is swollen. I used to run around with an MRI of it that showed arthritis all around the spine in that area, only to be ignored.
Well if I get some relief I promise I will be greatful.
Hi Milly -
Sorry you have been doing poorly.  Makes it hard to chase men!  Hope this helps and you get a good one in your sites; he'll fall to his knees for you.

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