Congress Plans Incentives for Healthy Habits | Arthritis Information

Share US congress once again donning the costume of all-knowing parent. There is an old axiom that says you cannot legislate morality, are these incentives an attempt to legislate common sense healthy life styles? I want to see the guidelines on legislating FAT!  Is Congress going to be the guinea pigs.  They could use a few less pounds, fewer drinks, cigarettes and how about safe sex?  Lindy [QUOTE=LinB]I want to see the guidelines on legislating FAT!  Is Congress going to be the guinea pigs.  They could use a few less pounds, fewer drinks, cigarettes and how about safe sex?  Lindy[/QUOTE]

I won't hold my breath on that one!

In a similar vein, Illinois is considering speed cameras to automatically issue speeding tickets.  Guess who is exempt from speeding tickets?  You guessed it, the Illinois Legislature.  They can haul ass to Springfield and the cops can't give them tickets because it would impede their ability to pass more nanny-state laws.
I am tacking >>this<< on just because.

[quote]So how should we reform our broken health-care system? Rather than redistribute physician income as a way to subsidize an expansion of government control, Mr. Obama should fix the payment system to align incentives with improved care. After years of working on this problem, Medicare has only a few token demonstration programs to show for its efforts. Medicare's failure underscores why an inherently local undertaking like a medical practice is badly managed by a remote and political bureaucracy.[/quote] Thats just hysterical. One look at Congress and you will see some very out of shape people