let's discuss RA | Arthritis Information


There are more and more mean-spirited postings that I have to skip over now.

I don't know who you are or what you are going on and on about, I've just learned to avoid certain names, which means I might be missing a sincerely good RA post by you.
If you battling-people can't stop yourselves, please cut back how often you post. Or better yet, go start your own War Forum. 
I don't mind the OT posts, since it gives us the heads-up that it is not about RA, so we can choose to read it or skip it, depending on our mood or time constraint at the time. Family issues can be hard and connected to health so this can be a place to bring those up and good wholesome humor is therapeutic.
I just want to get back to supporting each other, providing info, discussing RA.
I understand you completely and I'm a contributing regular here, but I just created an anonymous name so that I can confront the bitches in here without the permanent retribution.  The good-for-nothings need to be called out for all their sh*t and I'm not gonna do it under my normal name...I have too many friends here to have them screw that up.  Sorry CathyMarie....
"I understand you completely and I'm a contributing regular here, but I just created an anonymous name so that I can confront the bitches in here without the permanent retribution.  The good-for-nothings need to be called out for all their sh*t and I'm not gonna do it under my normal name...I have too many friends here to have them screw that up. "
Kinda sums things up really. I am always highly amused by pots calling kettles black.Lyndee, YOU are among the bitches that need to get the f*ck out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You add nothing of value at all![QUOTE=Pig Pincushion]Lyndee, YOU are among the bitches that need to get the f*ck out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You add nothing of value at all![/QUOTE]
And you do???
ROFLMAO!!!  lololol
 The only other 2 peeps I (and its MY problem) have issues with are Lev and DONN. Please let me know if Ive missed anyone out??
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