Separate the myths from the truth about RA. | Arthritis Information


Rheumatoid arthritis affects about 1% of the population worldwide, but still misunderstanding swirls around this common and severe joint condition.  

"There are so many misconceptions out there about rheumatoid arthritis," says Paul Kremer, MD, a rheumatologist and professor of medicine at Albany Medical College in New York.

"Arthritis is common, and rheumatoid arthritis often gets confused with the other kinds of arthritis in people's minds,” he says. 

Plus, rheumatoid arthritis is still mysterious in many ways. Research and new treatments are constantly changing the understanding of the disease.

Even the experts still have a lot to learn about rheumatoid arthritis. WebMD teamed up with Kremer to explode a few common myths about this "commonly unusual" disease.
Thanks for the postLynne,
How good is that? I think that you should post one myth each day on this thread, there is such good information and much of it would ease some concerns of the "nervous nellies". I like the one about ra being like other arthritisis. How often do we hear that. How many times does Maz try to insinuate that palindromic is like rheumatoid arthritis? After all, it's treated with some of the same medicines. Good grief. Remember that woman that was here trying to sell her book? She had reactive arthritis. She started off telling us that reactive arthritis is like rheumatoid arthritis. None the less if I were you, I would post at least one myth every day.
I'll be leaving this around in places certain people will run across it, hopefully read, and hopefully educate themselves.
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Just to add to the myth mix:

Good idea Lev....I think I'll try it