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My name is Charlie and I'm not sure if I have RA or not but my doctor stated that she thinks I have the start of RA. I just turned 40 last month, about 4 months ago I woke up with a really bad neck ache that seemed like I slept on it wrong that just wouldn't go away. Also, had light aches and pains in hands and feet as well as when I slept my mouth would be bone dry/cotton mouth by morning which I thought was due to allergies(silly me, why I thought this after having allergies all my life that it would cause this kind of problem now is beyond me). Then my right index finger swelled up at the middle joint and is still that way to this day. Almost daily especially at night and in the mornings my hands , feet, neck, left shoulder hurt but only my right finger has inflamation.  I finally decided to goto the doctor with a little push from my wife and had an appointment tuesday of this week. Tuesday morning I woke up with my right knee swelled up like a grapefruit which is still that way today(friday), and I'm still waiting for the blood tests to come back. I was told late today or monday they would be in.

A little history on me, I am in pretty good shape and have never smoked as I have always been a distance runner since high school. I'm slim, my blood preasure is 108/80 and have never had any health problems other than some food/pet/mold allergies that has always been managable with over the counter meds.   Until four months ago at least , I haven't been able to work out consistantly and the thought of not being able to keep running due to this knee being swelled up scares me a lot.

It's very weird to me that I can have these swollen joints and not have an injury that caused it. I know my mom had RA some (can't ask her about it as she died in a car accident in '98) and her mom had it in a crippling form but I still didn't know much about it other than being familar with the name. I'm the youngest of 5 kids and none of my other family members have it.

Whether I have it or not, whether it stays flared up or goes into remission. This scare will go with me forever.



Welcome to AI Charlie,

We're glad you're here. I hope it turns out that it's not RA.....but sure sounds like it to me; your family history doesn't help either.

Hope you'll continue to come back and join us on a regular basis.

Hi Charlie,


Yes, it is very scary, especially with your body changing.
I think for you, the "saving Grace" is you are athletic. It's always good to keep moving and doing "range of motion"
exercises. I really shouldn't talk cause I am a major "couch potatoe"....LOL!

If you do have RA, early treatment is the key.

I personally think RA has a lot to do with genetics. Unfortunately, your mom and grandmother had it. But with new medical advances these days, we do have HOPE for a cure if not better medication.

It helps quite a bit to talk on these websites. Only people who actually suffer this condition, know exactly how you feel.

Keep us posted and good luck!

I hope for your sake it's not RA and with your family history it could very well be.

The key is to get treatment ASAP.  The faster and more agressive it's treated the better off you will be.  The fact that you've been athletic can be a plus and once thing you will need to realise that you may have to change the type of excerise you get especially if you are into the high impact form of exercise.  You will need to start thinking of your joints and switch to the low or no impact.  Water exercise is the best form for individuals with RA.

Good Luck


Hi Charlie,  Scary it is.  I have had it for over a year now.  Onset Sept. 05, diagnosis May 05.  I was also very very active with a healthy lifestyle.  All I can say is I am better with a lot of changes in meds and hope to get better still.  I don't see myself staying disabled.  Been on disability for almost 9 months.  It takes time and a good rheumatologist.  Do the research, get support and be aggressive.  It is a very aggressive disease that you have to treat aggressively.  Don't be afraid of the drugs, I was but my fears were dispelled when I started getting better.  Come back with questions any time.  I am so sorry for your bad news.  IT IS HARD, WE ALL KNOW TOO WELL.  I sooooooooo miss being active

I have had RA for 3 years now and I still can not get use to what it has done to my body.  Some days I feel really great and the other days...well, are just other days.  I am very happy to have had RA in our time now and not 10 or 20 years ago.  We have so many good drugs to help us with the RA today...So if we have to have RA, today is better than yesterday.

Being able to keep your range of motion is very important with this disease, so if you feel well enough to do a little walking and your knee let's you, that will help out with the inflammation, range of motion and your emotional state but please make sure not to over stress your joints. you don't want to cause any damage to your joints if there hasn't been any done to them yet. 

It sure does seem like an eternity when waiting for news about our health but I am very glad that you did go and have the test done.  The answers may not be what what you want to hear.  (and I truly hope it is not RA) but in case it is...the earliest you get your treatments started the better everything will be for you.

So please hang in there Charlie and we are here for you any time you need us.  Let us know how the test came out. 


Take care of yourself Charlie.



