Vindication | Arthritis Information


at LAST!!

I'm vindicated!!

ok heres the story.. Remember, my RA became bad about 3 years after I developed cardiomyopathy and was extremely ill.. (7 years ago) to the point where the T word was bandied about.

Anyway with every cardio exam for the last 3 years I have complained of unusual fatigue especially on exertion. It was sort of brushed off as "well you have RA.. well you dont exercise...well you have 2 little kids under 5.." I kept pointing out that I was running up and down 2 flights of stairs about 20 times a day and if that wasnt exercise nothing was.

I had a very bad appt with a replacement cardiodoc and was livid with her attitude back in January.. anyway I voted with my feet and my PCP found me another cardio..

Welp yesterday I had a treadmill stress test with simultaneous echocardiogram, AND a chemical stress test..
well guess what..

Dr N looked at me and said .. well yes we found something, it explains your problem and it can be fixed. You'll have to go back to Rochester (Strong Memorial Hospital at the University of Rochester.) but it can be fixed.

He said he wanted time to really read the results and we will discuss it in full at my appt in June.

I asked him for the short version, and he said that for some reason my heart is not getting the signal to respond with stronger contractions during exercise.. it beats faster, but not harder.

I feel like the hypochondriac whose tombstone reads "I told you I was sick" I TOLD them something was wrong.. it isnt just RA... its real. And now I can DO something about it.

What is the T word? Glad that you can be fixed. We know when something i wrong with our bodies and I am a firm believer that if a doctor keeps tellimg you that "it's all in your head", get a second and third opinion.
I'm glad they FINALLY tested and discovered that you are right!! now, FIX IT!!

Kathy its brilliant news that they have found the cause. My father had heart problems but it took them quite a while to fugure his out too.

Good luck for your appointment in June x

Glad you got an answer! Hope all goes well with fixing it!Glad to read that someone finally found out what was going on.  I hope everything goes well for you now that you know what is wrong. the t word is transplant.. this issue doesnt seem to be related to the cardiomyopathy.. or so it seems, but I will  find out in june.. YAY.. I cn wait just fine since nothing will change between now and then and will find out exactly..
And heck yes I will fix it..
Glad it went well.Wow!! Good for you for pushing the subject. Get well soon. bumpKathy, I am so glad you are getting some answers!  Way to go, girl!  That is the way to fight!  I hope all goes well for you from hear on out.  Just knowing you have an answer helps so much.  I am proud of you, Kathy, and I am humming for you too!