Prickcushion Pictures | Arthritis Information


Is this YOUR back yard??????????  Someone is a lazy, old, nasty women (and I use the term "women" lightly).  Get your fat, Britch ass outside and do some real work.  Honestly, why would you even take a picture of this mess?

Prickcushion has removed all the pictures of her fat self and family but here's the ones she's left up.  I think she was ASHAMED of how she and Barry looked so she took down her nasty face and body pictures.  I'm glad I saved her ugly mug onto disk when she originally posted it...I can have a lot of fun with photoshop when I have some spare time AND feel like vomiting from having to look at her face.
Wow, my husband loves me so much that he worked really hard and now my garden looks like this...thanks for that you reminded what a wonderful man im married
and today it looks even better but i dont have the photos to post at the moment.
Wow, you are sooooooooooo kind to post pictures of your neighbor's garden/yard.  Might you give her full credit for it though by first acknowledging that it is in fact, HER GARDEN!!!  Wow, you will stoop to such looooooooooow levels!

My husband is such a sweetie, he has done so much more work than this.....dont like to be caught out do you Moron........note the wall at the back...DUH!!!!!

LOOKS like your neighbors house to me Britch Moron.  You really have no shame do you?  Maybe I'll go to the local Botanical Gardens and take pictures there and post them as mine.  Kind of what YOU did to your poor neighbor.
"Caught out"?  Must be a one of those weird ass Lisa terms.
Awww Pin, it looks absolutely gorgeous. Barry did a great job. You will get years of enjoyment out of your back yard. I should post some pics of mine.Thanks Lori, we have only been in this house for 3 years, an old blind lady lived here before , hence the garden. The house was also in a bad way but is looking nice now.
Im glad Lisa posted them as it does remind me how far we have come with it all. I need to take some photos of how the garden looks now, all my plants have taken, my cherry tree is in bloom too
*lorster2009-05-14 16:07:12I look forward to it.

baaahaaahaaa!  So you're both in on it?  Here she comes to save the day! <lorster>