Persistent Sore Ankle Might Be Damaged Tendon | Arthritis Information


COLUMBUS, Ohio—Physicians should consider a possible peroneal tendon injury in patients with refractory lateral ankle pain, suggests a review article in the May 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.1

The biggest take home is that if someone has an ankle sprain, there is a whole list of things to think of, and one is a peroneal tendon injury,” said lead author Terrence M. Philbin, DO, the fellowship director of the Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Center in Columbus, Ohio. “Put peroneal tendon injuries in your differential diagnosis, especially in those patients who are not getting better within a month to 6 weeks.”

The index of suspicion should be higher in patients with high arches, as they are more prone to such peroneal tendon injuries, Dr. Philbin told Other red flags include

These injuries often slip under the radar because the patient assumes the injury is a benign ankle sprain, or because the patient visits an urgent care center and lacks follow-up, even if the pain does not subside, according to Dr. Philbin.

I have a visit with the Podiatrist on Mon. about... ankle swelling and pain!  Too weird!  We must be on the same frequency, Lynn!  This is a good thing and a benefit for me, but you might start to worry!  Goodluck Waddie with your appt. Let us know how it turns out.Thank-you Milly, I will.  Hopefully, I can get a few injections in to the worst joints for a little relief! whew..
never thought I'd be glad to be flat footed!! 
wishing you both, waddie and Lynn good results w/ your feet!~
what is a peroneal tendon?  I have lots of problem with my foot with permanent swelling outside of  the ankle, including high arches plus suffering with achille tendonits and plantar fascitis.  May be something wrong with my peroneal tendon you LynnUgh! I just dealt with my ankle the past 4-5 days being red and swollen and in pain. It hurt to put my foot completely on the ground and try to walk. I had to lay on the couch medicated with a bag of frozen peas on it. DH actually had to miss work yesterday to stay home with me and take care of baby boy. We tried to get a family member to come, but no luck. I figured mine was RA related though cause I don't remember injuring myself.
Thanks for posting, Lynn. :)
If it is bylateral chances are that is RA. But yes I walked around with a torn knee ligament for six months once. When I get an injury I go into a fibro attack every time. I hurt my back buldged some disks apparently I tore my ligament at the same time. It wasn't until my back healed and fibro subsided that I noticed I couldn't stand for long periods of time comfortably. Truth be told I could have a heart attack or menengitis and I wouldn't even notice.