Drug interactions? | Arthritis Information


I saw this thread


Basically put in your medication and conditions and see if you have any that can have a side effect of mixing drugs. I am shocked ....

Nexium came up as a side effect of PMR!!!

I have entered my drugs ect 3 times as I can not believe what I am seeing???
I have been on Nexium 40mgs for approx 8 years , had the scope down my throat ect .. and had a couple of ulcers. This scope was repeated 2 years later and again 2 years ago. I now have inflammation of osepagus and still have breakthough severe reflux on occasion.
I have posted this is on the UK site as well.
Anyone on NEXIUM.    Lyn

Thanks for the info Lyn.  That site is very informative.  I am not on Nexium but the other drugs I take do have some side effects so it is nice to know which ones are the culprit.
Thanks again and hope you are doing well.

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