a brace for my wrist...helped | Arthritis Information


the last time I got an injection in my wrist, the ortho gave me a brace to wear when needed. It mad it easier to lift my grandson and pick up laundry baskets and things..I also wore it sleeping because I would wake up from pain if I rolled and twisted my wrist. Wanted to share this if anyone else had a problem and needed the support. It really helped me to get a hold of my little grandson who is on the move..changing his diaper was painful when he would want to turn and roll..I was able to get a hold of his little "chubby" leg and get the diaper changed. Hope this helps...currently I do not need it..meds are working wonderfully...Wanted to share this.

Lsia......edited to correct my typo..lol
LisaOnline2009-05-18 07:23:06Wanted to add...the brace is a DonJoy brace. Qaulity and comfort.Lisa,
I'm glad you found something to help.  My RD gave me an order once for a wrist brace and I found it to be very helpful too.  My RD also told me to be careful not to wear it all the time but try and wear it at least 12 hours each.  He preferred I wear it when sleeping, so I did.
Lisa....I.....can't......quit.......you.Yay for wrist braces!! I have one for each. My doc warned me the same as Kweenb though - not to wear it all the time. That's a hard suggestion to follow when your wrists hurt so bad though. I do find it's easier to handle baby boy and do things when they're on. It's a HUGE difference!
I'm happy to hear you don't need it at the moment and that the drugs are working well for you. That's wonderful and I hope it continues!

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