heel bones? | Arthritis Information


Do you have heel pain on the bone?

My rheumy says I have ra in the heel because the  bone has 3 parts.
Then my Podiatrist says that the heel is only one bone, so it is the tendons or something else.
How do you get to the bottom of this?
Oh my goodness heel pain achillies tendon pain what a horrible thing that is. I have spent about 11 months in such pain and agony . I woke up one day with both feet especially in the achillies tendon area inflamed my left foot got better but the right one didn't. I had MRI done and had a slight tear but not completly torn... stayed in boot for 7 weeks. Got out and the only time it got better was to have solumedrol iv also had problems in my back at the same time so had epidural injections also. My foot felt ok for a few days. I finally broke down and went to see a orthapedic DR. who could see right off that I was in a flare in that area said that yes it would eventually need surgery to clean out all the gook but my Rheumy needed to get my Ra under control... he didn't like that report.. Well I have now started on Remicade switching from Orencia I also in between all that had a injection into that tendon that at the time and days later didn't seem to work but just as quick as it flared it went away after all that time. It is still sore to touch but not anything like it was. Man I never felt so bad. the only time that foot felt ok was with rest but even then the pain was there. I feel for anyone who is having this trouble. It seems that maybe it has moved to my hand but am happy to have relief off the foot area. Good luck.. LauraI haven't a clue about the answer to this but I'd love to know about it when you find one.  I have pain in the arch of my left foot and it feels like I'm standing on a ping-pong ball or something.  There's also swelling of the tendons in my foot but not on the actual joint itself which is weird.  Theres all this cracking and popping in my foot which to me seems to indicate that the joint is toast now.
If you find anything keep us posted please.
My feet hurt every where. Even the bone on the side of my foot. Yes you can get RA in your feet. It can effect your tendons also. I am not much of an exspert on foot anatomy. Maybe you can google it.

Pinkapple, u are not alone when it comes to heel /bone pain.  I have been suffering through worst kind of pain imaginable in my foot.  It is not ankle related but outside of my ankle is swollen and there is water in it.  I have plantar fascitis from 2 years and now to add insult to injury I have achilles tendonitis and the bone behind the heel is swollen and ultrasound shows some calcification.   All on one foot right one.  Hobbling is not possible any more.  I even fell from stairs on Monday. I have swollen right knee. LOL.  I do not know whether to laugh or cry at this point.

I am desperate to get it over with and have some kind of life.  I took prednisone burst and taper pack with hardly any improvement.  Gained 5 pounds in 12 days.  Going for physical thearapy twice a week and it helps but road to recovery is still not in sight.  I would love to know if some body can help me to find the answer/relief to this problem.
I'm so sorry to hear so many of us are having this trouble. I didn't know RA can cause tendon problems, I thought it was from misuse or sports.
I had this in 1999 after hopping around in water aerobics class with my very high arches. I did not have RA then. It took years to stabilize, but it never really went away so that ended pretty shoes, slippers, sandals, bare feet. I look really dopey wearing a dress with athletic shoes. Just for super dress up affairs like weddings, I have one winter dress and one summer dress. I wear my one pair of real shoes for my grand entrance, then change before I'm totally unable to walk from pain.
This current flare-up started last Sept-ish from no sports. This time, I have active RA.
I have bilateral plantar fascitis so severe that the tendons pulled the heel bones to the extent that I developed bone spurs, although, my pain is not worsened by them, according to my Podiatrist.
I have bilateral achilles tendonitis so severe, the big tendons pulled at the attachment to the heel bones to the extent that I also developed bone spurs there too. Podiatrist says those cause a lot of pain since they are not cushioned from shoes etc.  This injury to my ankles resulted from standing, hobbling funny, on the side of foot, to decrease pain.
I had a series of falling down events Dec/Jan.  I asked RD if RA causes that, she said no and to stand on one foot, then the other. I was very wobbly, so it was determined that I was falling from instability due to pain... especially since it only happened in the house where I don't use my cane.  Now, I pay close attention to how I walk in the house; I hold onto walls and furniture and try to not get distracted. Still, I stumbled last evening after feeding my fish.
I have sturdy shoes, orthotics, night boots, ankle brace, Ultram (for RA, but it should help this too), ice therapy and I had PT for 2 months at which I learned exercises. Oh, and a cane and a motor scooter-when in stores.  I cannot take any anti-inflammatory... NSAID or steroidal as I've had near-death anaphylaxis reactions to each. That makes healing even harder. I'm tired of hurting in my feet, adding to my other miseries and difficulties for my family... all of whom always want me to be included in everything and go way out of their way to make it possible.
It's like I'm the 100 year old auntie everybody loves. I'm 59.
So, I have no advice, unless something I just mentioned is new to you.
CathyMarie2009-05-21 12:01:27like you wouldn't believe!!  the pain in the foot started years before i knew i had RA- i even went to the hospital for it!  they took x-rays and said they couldn't find anything so just gave me 12 vicodin and a brace.  the brace was ineffective, but god bless vicodin!  actually- this post is the first time i've heard someone else complain about the heel!!  this makes me smile, since i was beginning to think there was something else wrong, too!  who knew all these different pains were a result of RA?  this disease is no joke!

Do you have heel pain on the bone?

I have pain in my ankle and feet/heel area and have had it for years. I have a bone spur and tarsal tunnel syndrome. The pain was severe but now it just comes and goes. Very unpredictable. I could be somewhere feeling fine then ***BOOOM****!!!! there goes the foot pain. It's mostly in left side. This was before I found out about ra. Now since ra I get pain on the outside of my ankle and it's always swollen. I can't bear weight on it so I carry a cane around. I also take a vicodin and prop my feet up in recliner and feel ok until I have to get up again. UGG!
I hope you guys all get your feetsies sorted out.
I think the foot pain started when I started walking at age 1. Now 54 years later my feet still hurt all the time. Some years it is the toes, ball of foot, top of foot around the arch, plantar facitis, even the joint on the side of the foot leading to the little toe.  If it is not one thing , it really is two others.
Shoes can make a major difference for me, although the same shoes do not work all the time. I have become a shoe freak trying to find the perfect non-painful pair.
Don't wear shoes that make your feet hurt worse!!!
I am due to have a steroid shot in my heel, plantar fasciitis, bone spur, unhealed fractures and RA in balls under the feet all make it very uncomfortable to walk at times! Janie....I can't believe you said "uncomfortable" instead of painful, which it what all that really is!
CathyMarie2009-06-01 00:50:30HI Cathy, yes you are right, especially as I can't get the steroid shot until 3 weeks time - aaaaggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!   My heel pain is the worst, very painful, and today the bones on the outer part of the foot along the side, midfoot, agony!  Never mind, the only thing not hurting at present is my nose!!!!!!take care of that nose.... don't fall on it or let anybody/pet/thing bump it! Everybody needs something with no problems!
I wish I could try a steroid shot; I'm severely allergic.
Don't you miss pretty shoes?.... (big sigh) I used to love them and going barefoot too!
Yes Cathy, I have it insured - lol
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