Positive CCP after RF Positive | Arthritis Information


In most of the literature on the web, it appears it is common that the CCP is often positive before the RF factor (sometimes up to 10 years before). However, I have not seen any statistics or information on how often the CCP becomes postive after the RF factor is positive?

I'm RF positive but CCP negative and my RD wants to continue to test the CCP....were any of you RF positive and later CCP positive?
Pretty sure I was RF positive firstOne other comment is that the question probably only applies to those diagnosed in the last 3-4 years as the test has only been available during that time.
Still looking for data to support starting meds....still having minor joint pain without swelling and normal blood work minus the RF Factor.
I am RF positive, but CCP negative (l was checked only once - 2 yrs ago when first diagnosed).

RF positive and CCP positive but Palandromic.Negative on both but +ANA.   [QUOTE=Bonny]Negative on both but +ANA.   [/QUOTE]
you and me, Bonny!! how odd we are
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