low dose Naltrexone | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had experience or knowledge of using low dose Naltrexone (LDN) for PMR?  It's supposed to be helpful for autoimmune diseases.


email pmrfighters@yahoo.co.uk  - mark for attn of mrs UK and LDN

We hold a wealth of information about LDN - mainly from a pmr patient located in Seattle and she has supplied me with related websites and lots of information   - too much information for this site to handle. 

The Stichting Marjike  Foundation located Netherlands is interested in it,  Stanford University California, is currently running some trials.  The NMR Foundation located in Arizone is interested and so are we in the UK.   It was developed for use with AIDS and HIV and has been proved to assist in some other auto immune diseases.

But  I don't want to get anybodies hopes up.  But its worth exploring for you to make your own decision.  And it  makes very  interesting reading and a leads to a lot of hard thinking.

You have the email address - over to you and I hope you are on broadband.

mrs UK

Meant to say visit http://www.arthritis.ca/open%20forum/boards/polymyalgia/default.asp?s=1

Big discussion on LDN at that open forum as well.  Scroll down when visiting and pick out LDN

mrs UK
Bob, does this ring a bell?
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