Humira and Cough. Cough cough. Cough. | Arthritis Information


So it's a chest cold.  I felt bad enough this weekend that I skipped my Humira shot (even though it's been working REALLY well).  Started feeling bad last Tuesday, just RUN DOWN and sick, no fever though.  Definitely started as a virus, kids had it.  So now I am just coughing up a lung, able to go to work, but would of course prefer to be in bed.

I was JUST on antibiotics for low-level sinus infection/dizziness episode.  I think I will see how I feel Thursday.  If okay, I will probably inject Humira Sunday (a week late). If not, I will email RD and I guess schedule with GP for Friday? 
I am not constant coughing, but bad in the morning, evening and after talking a lot. 
I NEVER get things in my chest and was thinking "oh, here we go, this is the Humira making me get things in my chest."  But my mom got this cold too, and I thin k its just an RSV or a really bad cold virus, because she said it got in her chest, and my son has been really bad off as well.
Any thoughts?

so glad the Humira is working... sorry you've got a coughing cold.... but you'll be fine soon..
Isn't it always the way now, w/ the biologics, we wonder how many things it causes..
Take good care
Hi Katie, actually you should be seen by your primary.  Needs to listen to your chest.  You might have an infection, bronchitis, virals can morph into infections that require antibiotics and other meds.  Take care, call your primary.  Let us know how you're doing.  LindyDon't you just hate having a cough?  Not only is it obnoxious in itself, but people look at you like you just given them a healthy cas of TB.  Hope you feel better soon.I've had the same thing for more than a week now. Last Tuesday I went ahead and went to the doctor just to be on the safe side. She said it was just a virus nothing too serious yet but she went ahead and gave me an antibiotic and said if it wasn't any better in two days to go ahead and start it. Well I've finished my 5 day course of well as skipped my Saturday Humira injection; but I still have this hacking cough. I'm putting off my Humira until it subsides because I've learned the hard (hard, hard) way that when you take Humira when you're sick you only get sicker!
I've been doing great on just Humira myself and hate to get off schedule; but I know that if i start it back too soon it will only end up delaying things further.
I'm actually feeling better but still coughing some especially at night like you mentioned.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks everyone.  And thanks Lovie, that helps.  My RD is quite liberal about it, although what I am thinking about was a sinus infection/dizziness with no cough.  He said take Humira anyway, but I was also starting antibiotics at the same time.
I am officially the Really Gross Coughing Person.  I don't have a fever and don't have the type of job where I can just stay at home unless it's really bad.  I went in to conference with one of my superiors and tried to hard not to cough at all that I wound up in the bathroom with an enormous coughing fit.  Of course I ran into another woman in the bathroom this morning doing the same thing, looking equally miserable, but I think my coughing fit was seen by more people.  I hope no one else gets sick!!!
I guess I will schedule with GP.  I have been meaning to switch GP's and don't want to go back to the same one, but don't have a ton of time to switch now I guess.  But maybe I can get in somewhere new, just without my previous records.  They aren't bad just weird and I don't have a lot of confidence so I want to change. 
And I am so tired of copays.  Oh well...
No fever, and my lungs sounded fine!  Saw a NP at my "old" GP, and arranged to have all my files sent there.  Happy about the move.  She was very thorough and I like her a lot, although she also scheduled me with my GP for late June, just for a check up.  She thinks it may be coughing from a sinus infection but ordered an x-ray, as I am having belly issues the past few days and she doesn't want to make them worse with antibiotics for no good reason.  Has been a while since I have had a sinus x-ray.  My mom had to have an inverted palpiloma (sp?) removed from her sinuses, my dad has also had 2 sinus surgeries, so fingers crossed that I just have a crappy cold and nothing else!Katie, I sure hope it is a crappy cold and nothing else!  I wish you could just post up in bed for a day or two and reload your energy.  Are you able to sleep at night?  Hopefully, you have a nice suppressant to help get some sleep. 

All good wishes for good health Katie.

I'm starting to need my Humira and don't want to put it off much longer. I've been doing so well I don't want to get much more off my schedule. I'm still coughing but other wise feel fine (cold wise).

Katie; did you go ahead and take your humira? Is that what you said? I'm going to give mine one more day but I plan to take mine on Friday. I really don't have a cough very often but I've noticed when I do it takes a while to get over it. Hopefully I'll be fine.
Hope you're feeling better soon Katie.
So....a nurse called and left a message while I was away from the phone that my sinus x-ray was clear, and that it was a virus.  So I called back and left a message for my NP about the Humira.  But didn't hear back by the end of the day.
I am still full of nasty coughs in the morning, at various points of day, and at night.  It's a REALLY hard choice.  I have yoga tomorrow, only my second time.  I feel pretty good overall but I'm afriad that the payback post-yoga will be worse off wasn't bad at all the first time, although I always bore weight on my knuckles or forearm instead of my wrists. 
I actually WANT to give myself that stupid shot.  I don't have a fever but I really want to get rid of this cough, I sound REALLY sick and gross when I cough, but I'm not too bad off overall. 
I think I may do the shot on Sunday but I'm really unsure...
Hope you feel better soon too!
Katie, I hope you are feeling better today.  Coughs are so dang stubborn sometimes!!!  Good news on being clear on the X-ray!  I would say to the shot, if you have a doubt, don't do it.  Better safe than sorry and maybe on Monday, you could call your RD's office and give them a heads up to what has been going on and ask when you should be able to restart. I went ahead and did my shot last night. I'll let you guys know if the cough if any worse in the next couple of days. I've got my fingers crossed that everything will be fine.
Katie; What did you decide? Did you do it?
I almost did, but changed my mind and emailed my RD last night.  I SO wanted to just go ahead and get it over with, but my coughing gets bad at night and thought, not a good idea?  We shall see what my RD says, other than regretting having a messaging system.  I am getting more and more symptoms back.
I feel better today than yesterday, less coughing, but still pretty bad first thing in the morning and later at night...
Do let us know how you do!
I'm coughing now too.... sounds like a deep chest cough sometimes and others it is a tight cough that is hacking (like a smokers' cough- and I no longer smoke) ... TMI: Tastes really bad.. and the nasal emissions are highlighter yellow.....  I think my allergies and all the mucus it caused have created YET another INFECTION!!!  arrrrrgh!!! 
ETA: I don't get to do my shot this week or the next three weeks because of my glaucoma surgery on the second eye........ so I won't be taking enbrel on Thursday.... I hope, Lovie, that you don't find any increase in infection or symptoms because you took your shot...but it's been my experience that I do, everydamntime.
babs102009-06-01 03:42:50The cough isn't any worse but I have an increase in RA symptoms. I was hoping I wouldn't miss a beat being just one week late; but I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped. Hopefully it's just taking a little extra time to kick in this week and I'll be on the up swing tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Still coughing....just no worse. Thank goodness!
Glad the coughing isn't worse!  Mine is sort of steady as she goes for about 30 minutes in the morning, around bedtime, and a couple of times during the day.  Usually when I try to surpress a gross-sounding cough because I am around people then pay for it with a coughing fit!
My RD emailed me back, and I was pretty surprised that--while he said he's sure nothing will come of it--he wants me to give it one more week.  So that will be next Sunday, I'll be 2 weeks off of it.  My jaw is really starting to bug me again, it's gotten to where my teeth hurt too, so I'm glad that I'm going to dentist soon to double check.
I was surprised because I had a sinus infection about a month ago and had been put on Amox on a Friday, but he said go ahead and take Humira on Sunday.  I think the difference was that there was no cough with that (and maybe that this is the second time in a short period that I've gotten a bad cold).
When you have young kids (and ones that crawl into your bed and lie on the same pillow at 4 am) there is just this sense of "of course I am going to get sick".  I am going to try harder not to but all the effort can be foiled when the 2 year old sneezes in your mouth while you are holding him!  We will make sure to get all our flu shots though! 
Dang Katie!  Sorry about not being able to take that shot!  I hope you don't get too down without it but better safe than sorry for sure!  Lovie, I hope you do okay with the shot and I am glad your cough is on the mend! 