Arthrotec Dosage | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,
Have just been given samples of Arthrotec (50 mg and 75 mg) today and wondered how much relief this drug has given those of you who may have tried it?  Also, what dosage worked the best for you?
I have been on Orencia for a year now.  Also was on Methotrexate for the first three months but have been using the Orencia as a "stand-alone drug" since July.  I know Methotrexate does work well for many people and helps the progression of RA, especially when used with other drugs.  I just don't like the "medicated" feeling it gives me.  Have been managing with Aleve, but my ARNP said the Arthrotec would help a lot more.   (I know everyone responds differently, but the input from the board is always helpful and encouraging.)  Thanks!        Sharon
Sharon, I don't have any experience with arthrotec but you can go here to read up on it.  
I always had a hard time with the smallest amount of NSAIDS.  It seems I could support a TUMS factory all by myself when I was taking them!

It is great you have been able to get by on just Orencia for almost a year!  I hope it works for you and you find a friendly dose to work well with your Orencia.
Hi Sharon...
I'm not familiar with the med you're asking about..
but, as far as MTX..... I've never had a "medicated" feeling.. Not sure what you mean by that... when I hear something referred to in some way, I think it's a "dopey" feleing ...  I'd appreciate understanding this a little better.
Good luck w/the new med....
I tried it when I was first dxd. Made me nauseous and wasn't effective at controlling the pain. My brother takes it and it works beautifully for him. Babs10....
When I say a "medicated feeling," I meant I was very aware that I was taking a medication that wasn't agreeing with me.  I was exhausted (felt at times like I needed to lay down immediately and rest.  (This is not my nature, as I am usually an energenic person.)  I also had waves of feeling sick to my stomach and just didn't feel well in general.  It did help the RA, but for me was just not worth it.  (I took Methotrexate many years ago for a few months and didn't feel the exhaustion that I felt this time.  Have had RA for 40 years and have been on a lot of the drugs out there.)  Thanks for responding. 
Thanks for the info and the good wishes!  Hope you are having a pain-free day!
Thanks, Watchingwolf.  I know we all react differently to these drugs.  Appreciate hearing both sides of the story.  Hope you're having a great week!