Link Between Vitamin D And Reduction In MS | Arthritis Information


Could a holiday in the sun reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis? In a recent review for F1000 Medicine Reports, Bridget Bagert and Dennis Bourdette highlight recent advances in potential treatments.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) results from a failure of the body to recognize itself. The immune system attacks and destroys the sheath that protects nerve fibres, as if it were a foreign body or infection. Vitamin D, which is produced in the skin in response to natural sunlight, is an immune system regulator. This might explain why MS is less common in sunnier countries.

I wonder if that applies to vit D supplements. I doubt I'm the only person with a history of repeated skin cancers whose drs insist on 100% sunscreen.I wonder if Vit D would be a good addition to those who alrady have MS ?? Maybe a higher dose ??interesting.....  I feel strongly that my low D levels had some play in the flare that sent me over the edge in 07.......  immune regulator.....  very interesting, Lynn!! My dermatologist recommends 15-20 minutes of direct sun before 10 AM or after 5 PM. Further he recommends the sun exposure be on arms and legs, not the face.

He says the precancerous damage on my face and hands occurred long ago and the squamo-basal cell carcinoma I had on the bridge of my nose was most likely from the rays of the sun being focused through the lenses of my eyeglasses. I now always wear polarized lenses and big hats.

While I appreciate the ravages over-exposure can bring in its wake, I also wonder about the near-phobia that has been created by the media. On a wholly personal note I always feel physically, mentally, and emotionally 'better' after a walk in the sun or 20 minutes in the garden with the sun on my legs. And, yes, I am fully aware of that VitD3, that version produced in the skin with direct sun exposure, is a steroid-like prohormone. I also know in some schools of RA treatment sun exposure of any duration on any part of the body is anathema.

At my age I will accept the calculated risks associated with daily sun exposure and take the physical, emotional, and mental boost from greeting Sol with joy.

My apologies, Lynn, for hijacking your post...

Cheers, Shug

thanks for that additional info, Shug!  Really interesting post, Lynn.  I, like CathyMarie, wonder if the supplementation is as good as direct exposure? 

Thanks for wonderful insight, Shug.  I wear a big hat and shades on my walks too! [QUOTE=waddie]... like CathyMarie, wonder if the supplementation is as good as direct exposure?[/QUOTE]
I had an opportunity to talk about this with dermatologist yesterday. His opinion is that while supplements have their place, but that there is nothing "like the real thing". His recommendations are unchanged: 15-20 minutes every day before and/or after peak time, shading the face and protecting the eyes.

All anyone of us can do is discuss supplementation versus sun with our respective physicians and follow their advice.


[QUOTE=Spelunker] [QUOTE=waddie]... like CathyMarie, wonder if the supplementation is as good as direct exposure?[/QUOTE]
I had an opportunity to talk about this with dermatologist yesterday. His opinion is that while supplements have their place, but that there is nothing "like the real thing". His recommendations are unchanged: 15-20 minutes every day before and/or after peak time, shading the face and protecting the eyes.

All anyone of us can do is discuss supplementation versus sun with our respective physicians and follow their advice.


my endo agrees:
10-15 minutes can give you 10,000 IUs up to 50,000........   you really can't/shouldn't take that much in supplements without a script....
