natural pain relief | Arthritis Information


i honestly don't know if this works or if it's an old wives tale, but what they hey?  i was told that if you grind up papaya pits and take about a tablespoon a day (taste leaves much to be desired) it is highly effective in relieving pain on a long-term basis and could actually send the RA into remission.  any other suggestions to try? some (like me) have found relief through high-dose omega-3 EFA supplementation using fish body (NOT liver) oils and a decrease in dietary omega-6 EFAs. Roast, peel, seed, and chop some hot peppers! While some people find capsaicin painful, I find that it reduces the pain in my hands and wrists nicely. However, I have to add, as a cautionary note, that I have been roasting and preparing peppers most of my life so I have a degree of immunity to and from the HEAT.

Additionally, the relief is temporary and AFAIK no claims of remission or cure are attached to peppers.
