60 minutes chronic pain | Arthritis Information


This may be of interest to many of you.  This Sunday 60 minutes is doing a show on chronic pain and medication management.  It should be of interest to all of us ra sufferers.  I am definitely interested.  I get so sick of hearing of people in pain who do not get the medications they need. 

"Who stopped payment on my reality check"  60 Minutes on CBS: Prisoner of Pain "Everyone deals with pain differently: one person’s minor ache is another’s agony. So it’s not surprising that treatment for chronic pain remains a medical mystery. The main relief comes from a variety of drugs, drugs that are often abused by addicts and have their own international black market. As a result, doctors tend to under-prescribe pain killers, and patients are also often under suspicion when they try to alleviate unrelenting pain. But are the authorities overzealous in going after doctors and patients who are abusing the pain medication? Morley Safer looks at this complicated issue through the case of one man now serving 25 years in prison as a result of his attempt to deal with his chronic pain on 60 Minutes. Read the story or view the video.

Thank you Wayney.Your welcome.   Pain is a subject I'm passionate about as I'm sure you know.   Been following the APF's work on getting pain better treated etc etc.   They had a recent chat on minimizing side effects of pain meds I went to.  It wasn't as insightful as I'd hoped but only because there wasn't enough time to answer many questions.  It was helpful when chatters settled down and allowed the guest to "speak" without interruption.  
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