Seeking feedback please | Arthritis Information


Hi!  I'm new to the boards. 

Here's a bit of background:
-double mastectomies 12/2005
-double simultaneous hip replacements 08/2006
-right shoulder replacement 07/2008
-hypermobile joint disease (~Ehler's Danlos family)
-eczema and allergies gallore

...oh  yeah, and I just turned 50! <insert BIG grin here>

I was always dx with oa a few years ago and now i have one set of docs telling me i have JUST oa and another set telling me i HAVE ra.     (They tell me I'm rare... lol) So we are off to see yet another specialist at Barnes in St Louis.  The latest rd thinks i might have something in the Complement systems disorder/disease that involves an immune disorder / blood disorder???  Reactive Arthritis maybe.....

I no longer can take/tolerate steriods - so NO pred.  I'm really just not sure what to think or feel at this point.  During the last appt with specialists  we discovered and confirmed arthritis in just about all joints and also my cervical spine area (moderate with narrowing). 

I / we are hoping to find something that might "push" me into remission or at least slow the progression.

Any feedback, insights, things to ask the new docs, etc. would be appreciated.

Thanks!  Looking forward to moving beyond this and finding life outside my illnesses!

Hi there, I was diognosed with RA 15 yrs ago.  Was taking pred, meth, cele, and antibiotics for yrs.  It was terrible and didn't help.  I have permanent damage in wrists and knees.  I am now in complete remission due to a drink called Mona vie.  It is an antiimflamatory drink with acia and 13 other rare fruits, more antioxidants then u could believe, glucocamine, and fatty acids.  after one month on it huge difference! 4 months later in remission and can work out like a crazy woman.  I am 40 now and can keep up like when I was 20.  It's amazing.  E-mail me at  It can be life changing!!