Now I am officially worried | Arthritis Information


Close to panic actually and I am generally the voice of sweet reason.

I told you all that my cardiologist said he found "something" and its fixable, but didn't go into it too much. I got an appointment for June 23..
His office called this morning and he wants to see me on Thursday. In my experience, calling you in early is never a good sign.

I am not a happy camper and I am torn 100 ways about talking to Mark about it.. on the one hand I don't want to worry him, since there is nothing he can do about anything except worry, and he doesnt deal with it well and then my energy will be spent taking care of him... grrr

of course it will turn out I'm hysterical for nothing, his wife just got great tickets so they are going to be on a cruise when he would have seen me..right?? right?

"I told you all that my cardiologist said he found "something" and its fixable, but didn't go into it too much. I got an appointment for June 23.."

Kathy, If it was critical and an emergency you'd have an appt. today not on June 23rd which is 3 weeks away.  I wouldn't worry too much but you should have asked him some questions when you were in the office and he said he had found "something" and it's "fixable".  That's the time to find out what is "something" and what does "fixable" mean.  Then you can plan accordingly.  I'd call his office back and ask to speak to him or get a call back.  You have a right to know exactly what the diagnosis is and what the treatment plan consists of.  Call today, it's your right to know.  He's not going to put off an emergency situation for 2 weeks.  "Fixable" may mean just adding a medication.   Calm down, think about it rationally, and make that phone call.  You need the information.  Take care and keep us posted.  Lindy

I agree. I'd call and ask to speak to him or his nurse and tell them you are extrememly anxious and worried and you do not want to wait even 3 more days to have an idea of what's going on. I'm glad they have called you in early at least. The 23rd is far too long to know what's going on.
At the very least his nurse can call you and give you an idea of what's going on and let you know that the doctor will talk to you in more detail about what's going on.
If it helps at all know that we'll all be anxious to know what's happening too. I think you should tell your husband though. Yes, he'll worry....but you need the support. He can take it. Go ahead and tell him so you'll have him to worry with you. He can't be more worried than you are; and you really need the emotional support right now.
I also think that if this were an emergency they would have you in NOW.  I can see why you feel scared though.  ANd that's a lot of days to wait to have to find out what this is all about, so I think Lovie has a good idea about giving the office a call.  They must know how stressful the situation could be for you.  I also agree that you should tell your husband.  I say that because I know I would be very upset if my husband kept something like this from me, even if it were to save me the worry.  I would way rather know the truth than to have someone try to protect me from it.No 
the ORIGINAL appt was for June 23  he now wants to see me this thursday.. 3 weeks early
Hugs!  Try to stay busy until then.  Positive thoughts your way!!!I'll be thinking of you.  LindyKathy, I misunderstood.  Try to remember though, that he said it's fixable.  I know that might seem small comfort right now, but it is positive thing.  I'll be praying for you, for a good out come and for peace while you wait.  Hugs.try to stay calm... worrying can't be good.
(I know.. easier said than done)
Hang in there... keep us posted... *hugs*
I'm going with Snow's possibility. They might have had a cancellation on Thurs and you were at the top of the list to call to be offered the opening. I doubt they would've delayed dealing with a critical situation all the way to the 23rd... or even Thurs, so that's a good sign.
Be prepared to not be given any definitive answers though, you'll probably be sent for more tests (or did you already do that?).
Good luck. Know we are all thinking of you and are eager to hear what's going on.
All the best to you Kathy. The waiting is the hardest part- glad you now have only a couple of days. Kathy, I am sorry to hear this!  I hope it is as Snow suggest for you!  Crazy thing to say here, I know, but do try and not worry too much.  I was so relieved to see you post!  I am glad your cough is so much better, you sure had us worried!

You take care and let us know what is up with the Gosh Kathy, that is a scary situation and I  don't blame you for being upset.  I will certainly remember you in my prayers Kathy.   It could be something that isn't bad but could turn into bad. Take for instance, myself: I had to have a D&C in Feb so gyn sent me for the standard pre op tests; blood, ekg. My ekg came back abnormal so I was sent for a stress test and echo. Both of which came back "abnormal". So I had a heart cath and found out that one vessel is 20 to 30 % blocked. Something that could be dangerous if I don't change my evil ways. Which I am working on getting more exercise and eating right. So, don't freak, it could be something like that which could have potential to be bad but is not bad bad. I know you must be working and scared as I was. In the end it was really good news because I can change the outcome. I wish you well and will pray everything works out. Please, please, let us know. Maybe in meantime (like I did) I asked dr something for my nerves and she gave me ativan which helped alot.
take care
Thinking of you Kathy and hoping for good news at your appointment tomorrow.  Kathy,
Honestly, that would worry me too.  Let us know how it goes tomorrow.  Wishing you the best.
Kathy I will be thinking of you tomorrow I hope things go as well as can be expected. xoxoxox meme Sending good thoughts your way, Kathy! Worry and fear are really bad for your health.
Doctors schedule for their convenience not ours.
Best Wishes for good news tomorrow.
 good luck w/ tomorrow's appointment.