Omega Fatty Acid Balance Can Alter Immunity | Arthritis Information


Omega Fatty Acid Balance Can Alter Immunity And Gene Expression

For the past century, changes in the Western diet have altered the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids (w6, found in meat and vegetable oils) compared with omega-3 fatty acids (w3, found in flax and fish oil). Many studies seem to indicate this shift has brought about an increased risk of inflammation (associated with autoimmunity and allergy), and now using a controlled diet study with human volunteers, researchers may have teased out a biological basis for these reported changes.

Anthropological evidence suggests that human ancestors maintained a 2:1 w6/w3 ratio for much of history, but in Western countries today the ratio has spiked to as high as 10:1. Since these omega fatty acids can be converted into inflammatory molecules, this dietary change is believed to also disrupt the proper balance of pro- and anti- inflammatory agents, resulting in increased systemic inflammation and a higher incidence of problems including asthma, allergies, diabetes, and arthritis.
So maybe some Flaxseed oil and fish oil would be helpfull ??Fish oil has been very helpful to me.  Along with dieting to get my BMI back to normal, no red meat but lots of red wine!!!, going gluten-free, walking in the sunshine (for vitamin D), and whatever else I can do to help myself. 
It's working!!
