Things you should know about Oprah's health tips | Arthritis Information

Share article is way overdue...Oprah is dangerous to many people and they are so caught up in her hype that they follow blindly whatever she says.  I cringe whenver I hear someone say "lets write Oprah to get her to do a show about RA"  She'd be the one who would tell you that you could get a cure by wearing a copper bracelet while sitting in an uranium mine eating gin soaked raisins[QUOTE=buckeye]that article is way overdue...Oprah is dangerous to many people and they are so caught up in her hype that they follow blindly whatever she says.  I cringe whenver I hear someone say "lets write Oprah to get her to do a show about RA"  She'd be the one who would tell you that you could get a cure by wearing a copper bracelet while sitting in an uranium mine eating gin soaked raisins[/QUOTE]

GREAT article.... thanks!! [QUOTE=SnowOwl]What is it with people who take medical advice from Hollywood celebrities, do they have so little faith in doctors?  I also don't let an actor or actress sway my politics, tell me what to feed my cat or how to tune my car's engine.   If I had respect for their talent as actors I might take their advice on how to emote for the stage.  Celebrities do like to abuse their popularity and pretend to be authorities on issues beyond their scope of knowledge and training.
Good article, again, let's hear it for common sense.
perfectly stated, Snow!
to common sense!!!  Common sense is missing in action, maybe permanently. To fill the void, Don't Question and Believe the Unbelievable have moved forward to sway the nation. EXCELLENT article. Free from these entanglements, Somers can see things clearly. "I have spent thousands of hours on this. I've written 18 books on health. I know my stuff."   Man oh man, I can't believe that Suzanne Somers, she's getting more obsessed and nuttier than she even was before. What's with Oprah... can't she think for herself or at least talk about it first with doctors and nutritionist-scientists all with formal education? Suzanne doesn't impress me with her 18 books; she's just full of herself.
I had this reaction years ago too; I didn't know she's gone so far over the edge.
Gin soaked raisins?  Bring em on!   That woman scares the heck out of me.  She's one dangerous woman.  I think many people would just  blindly follow her right off a cliff!I've thought that for a long time!  The blind faith people put in her is scary.I read 18 news stories today...I know an idiot when I see one. (or 2 in this case)

I do wonder why people blindly follow these so called stars. They have the exact opposite effect on me...too much exposure makes me never want to see them again. Pitch a stupid theory, and you lost me for life! Oprah is a disgrace. Suzanne Somers should be sued for malpractice, since she thinks she's smarter than damn near every doctor out there and is dispensing idiotic and dangerous medical advice.