OT - update | Arthritis Information


Busy busy busy!  Back from Madison; had to spend a night at dad's house due to power problems after the recent storms.  Luckily an electrician was able to fix the problem first thing the next morning in under an hour.  Kids are in their last week of school.  Dunno what I'm going to do with them next week... UGH!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to be on later tonight.

Stay well!
you stay well!!  thanks for updating..

get some rest...JasmineRain, take care of yourself, first, last, and foremost! Rest up! When those kiddos are home all day watch out!  I guess you'll be baking a lot of bread!Jas, you take care!  Don't let the stress and running sneak up on you.  I hope you have a good pair of sneakers to keep up with those boys this summer! As if I needed more stress... DH had his routine cardiology appointment today.  I was expecting this to be a non-event.  I often go with him for these appointments but couldn't make it today.  Well, it seems that he may need to get an ICD installed due to recent changes in test results (specifically the microvolt t-wave alternans).  I think DH is more freaked than I am... I knew he'd probably have one installed eventually.  But DAMN this is not the time!!!

In other news, brother is out of the hospital.  His TIPS (a shunt in the liver to reroute blood around scarred liver tissue) had gotten blocked, so they unblocked it, drained off the ascites, cauterized his esophogeal varices, and re-adjusted his medications (including a switch from immediate-release oxycodone to a fentanyl patch).  We will find out later this month if he qualifies to be on the transplant list.

And dad has the man-flu.
Is an ICD like a pacemaker?  Glad they found the problem before it's a problem.  Does seem like bad timing though.  It's always something, isn't it?  Good to hear your brother is out of the hospital. sounds like he was through the wringer.   Awful sorry to hear that the man-flu hit your dad.  Nothing that complete bed rest and 24 hour bedside service can't take care of though.why is it when your hands are full, something else is dropped on top?  Sorry that's happening to you, Jas.. I hope all goes well for DH...and that brother gets on the list.
TAke care of yourself.
ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (kinda like a pacemaker, but "jump-starts" the heart when it behaves badly).  TIPS = transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.

Just talked to dad; seems the man-flu is letting up a bit.  Also, the CNA is coming over to their house this morning to help with my stepmom.  The kids just left for school, and I'm going to go back to bed for an extra hour!!!
Wow- I still say there is a bad moon rising. Too many people having too many troubles. Hope yours resolve soon. Best of luck to your DH and bro. Things have calmed down a bit.  Dad has made a remarkable recovery from his man-flu.  My brother is doing remarkably well after being discharged from the hospital.  It's amazing how clearing a little blockage and making some minor med adjustments has really allowed him to think more clearly and be a "grown-up!"  And dad (who has a pacemaker) and I have pretty much convinced my husband that everything will be OK if and when he has to have his hardware upgrade.  We both told him in no uncertain terms that if the cardiologist had thought for 1 second that he was in imminent danger of dropping dead again, he would have sent him to the hospital via ambulance and he would have had his ICD implanted today or tomorrow.  Kids are very excited to be getting out of school for the summer tomorrow... little do they know that summer with Mom is not going to be a walk in the park (well not EVERY day, anyway).  Reading, brushing up on math, science, current events; lots of housework (both here and at grampa's house!).   Hi, I'm a mean mom too.. school work, especially math and reading is expected... and chores are assigned daily.......  this is life...
Glad things have calmed a bit....  you definitely need a break from all of that.... 

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