Cortizone shot! | Arthritis Information



Hope everyone is feeling good today!

My doctor gave me a cortizone shot in my left knee the other day. I have RA and a previous injury. He immediately asked me if I felt better. No, not really! I was told by a friend when she gets it, she feels relief within 48 hours.
Unfortunately, no luck for me!

Does anyone have experience with this and how has it helped you or not?
It can help at times, but too frequent use of it can cause your body to build a resistance to it.  Some people it just doesn't help at all, maybe, unfortunately, your are one of them.  Myself found the cortizone shots weren't that great either.  meme

Unfortunately like Meme says; they aren't for everyone. Hate to hear that's your experience.

Good to see ya Meme!!

I also love the cortisone injections, problem is - I have already had my three in the last few months and rd does not like to give more than three in one year. 

I had cortisone shots put in my ankle, years ago. And I still remember how it felt getting them 

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.



I've had 3 cortisone shorts in my knuckle in the past 2+ years.  Two of them did little, if anything.  But the last one really help...reduced the swelling, helped mobility, etc. 

From what I've heard from others who've had the shots, it's just hit or miss.  I think it has a lot to do with whether the shot is given in the exact right place.   

I had cortison shots before. They hurt but only for a little while. The shot made me feel better after 2 days.I've had quite a few cortisone shots over the years. Had some fluid drained from the left knee and cortisone shot into it in 1993. My knee has been good since has had pain off and on, but the real bad pain has been gone. Same with my wrist and ankle. It lasted a long time for me. Have had them in the fingers and palms....I guess for some it lasts longer than others. I'd rather have that done rather than take more prednisone or meds. It doesn't hurt so bad if your RD uses some numbing spray. Good luck! Hi,

This is painrelief and hatehavingra (same person). I have 2 handle names cause I forgot the password and had to create another one.

Anyway, thanks for everyone's response!

The cortizone shot did not do a thing for me at all!

I am wondering can it be because I have metal in that knee as well? I thought there would be some relief but nothing....ugh!


Hi hatehavinra,

I placed a link in here, for you, to read some information about the cortizone shots.  It does say that they do not always help in some people.  I skimmed the article but I couldn't find anything about the possibility that the metal in your knee is stopping it from doing it's job.

This article is pretty interesting but long...Hope it may help you out.

I was going to have a cortizone shot in the hip but after reading about it in "the linked article".  

I hope your pain is starting to easing off for you.



I haye one shot in my left knee when the pain was unbearable, and unable to walk-------wrong move!  I didnt feel any relieif and I started noticing stark white lines all across my leg, the starting point being where the needle was injected.  These lines just got whiter and whiter, until I went back to the doctor and he looked at it in a semi-shocked expression and examined it for a while.  Then he calmly said "Oh, looks like the shot caused it to track"

Anyways, now it looks as thought I tried to put on suntan lotion, instead creating a zebra pattern on one leg.  Wrose, I have an olive complexion and the white lines look even brighter :(
