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My son returns from his deployment in Afghanistan TODAY!!!!   Wow.  It feels good to finally be able to say that

Sounds like a great day to celebrate!   Enjoy....

This is wonderful! I'm always glad to hear of soldiers overseas reuniting with their families. Hope everything goes on schedule today!I am SO happy for you, Linncn!!!  To have your boy home again..  wonderful!thank goodness....a happy day indeed

That's wonderful! Hope it's a wonderful reunion!!

Lovie2009-06-04 06:46:36Hurray! All the best to you & your family! Enjoy the reunion and celebrate!!!How wonderful for your family!  I'm happy for you all!I am so happy for you and your family. What a happy day. What marvelous news!  Take deep breaths now, you can relax inside again.Ah to hold you child in your arms, it feels so wonderful no matter their age!  What a gift!  Linda, what a great day for you and your family.  I'm so happy for all of you.  To be able to kiss and hold your son after such a long time is a mother's dream.  LindyThat is great news!!!  Please thank him for his service to all of us!Awesome!!!
Thank him for his sacrifices and service for our country.
I am so happy for you Linda.  I am so glad he is back safely, and I hope and pray he can remain stateside now.  Enjoy your reunion!Thanks everybody!!  I have to clarify one thing though....I haven't actually gotten that hug yet  My son is stationed down south and he and his new bride have some catching up to do.  Apparently they feel like doing some smooching.  You know newlyweds!!  I'll see them in a few weeks when he gets leave.  So for now I'm just happy and thankful that he's home safe, and that he has such welcoming arms to fall into.
And YES!!  We very much wanted to be there for the homecoming, but our boy is actually a man with a wife now, so mom and dad have to step aside.  If that seems hard, it only is for a minute.  I'm glad his wife is his fave girl, she's supposed to be.  And she's a pretty darn good one too.  I really did gain a daughter
at least he's home.......  as you say, safe and sound.....
it's not too hard to give up that #1 spot to a good man or woman.
That's so true Babs.  And when I put myself in their spot, would I really want to share these first days back with my in-laws or my parents??  Heck no!  It'd be weird if he wanted his mom right now, ya know?                                                 Thanks to you and your son.
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