Cardiology appt | Arthritis Information


 Ok went to cardiologist today.. He wanted to let me know  I have to have a cardicac catheterization.. He wanted it this week, but because Mark is coming down to the wire with reviewing his students in prep for the regents, we set the appt for June 22.. Mark teaches 9th and 10th grade social studies and that 2 year course counts for a huge chunk  towards graduation..

anyway  the dr said they will look for blockages and the usual other stuff.. see if there has been any silent heart attacks etc. If there are any blockages they will be treated with stents..

if there is no blockages then it is likely I will need a biventricular pacemeaker..

 The  worst part is that we have to drive about 100 miles to get to the hospital.. and I just bet they will want me there at 7 am..sheeesh..

anyway I asked why they moved the appt up and the  dr said, "I think this needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.."

even with all this stress my bp was 103/71 

How are you feeling about this news Kathy? It sure sounds scary; but it sounds like they are on top of the situation. What's your husbands thoughts about it all? Or have you told him yet?
Glad the appointment is behind you and you at least know what's going on. Will be thinking of you.
Kathy.. *hugs*
My dad's had two of those  procedures (the cath and the stents, not the pacemaker) and the cardiologist said that it's like a dental visit in these days... It is very common procedures and they have done so many that it is a nonevent for them.. NOt necessarily for you.. but you'll be fine.... no worry.
WTG on the BP!!
Good news!  A cardiac catherization is really common these days.  You will be fine thru the procedure.  Good luck!
I second everything posted, except, when it's you it's a whole different ballgame.  I had a cath before my total knee replacement and I was absolutely panic stricken.  I was more worried about the cath than the replacement and I had no reason to be that worried.  My cath went quickly, smoothly and recovery was without incident and they found nothing wrong.  I understand your worry and it won't matter that I tell you not to worry because you will.  Just know that it's one of the most common invasive procedures that's done and there are few complications.  Take care, find a couple of good books to read.  LindyThis is a gift. Much better to go in for some diagnostics and a tune-up than break down and have to have an overhaul (or end up on the scrap heap).  If you end up having a 7AM admittance time, perhaps you can go the night before and get a hotel room?  Have a nice dinner, relax in the hot tub, etc?

My husband and father have had lots of angiograms, and several stents between the two of them.  You'll get a nice fat IV full of fun pharmaceuticals and it will be over before you know it. Kathy, I am sorry you are having to go through all this.  What was going on before all this happened?  Were you having cardiac symptoms or had you had previous issues?  Sorry if I am making you repeat yourself Kathy, take care and many hugs to you!  Keep us up on how you are feeling.  Great BP! Best of luck with your procedure. May it go easily and smoothly and without needing stents.  It's always good to catch things before they get big.
Can you afford to go the eve before and stay at a cheap motel closer by? Where I live, I'd have to add  time to cover possible traffic delays so that would end up being a very long drive when in worrying mode.
thoughts and prayers,
This will be my 4th cath.. I had 2 as a kid, for VSD..
About 7 years ago I developed Cardiomyopathy and heart failure.. I've basically improved about as much as I'm going to, and the past several months I've had a lot of symptoms.. not pain... but the usual shortness of breath, irregular beats, and  mind blowing fatigue.. when I walk up the stairs it takes a good 10 minutes to recover and for my heart rate to get back down to 80..
 Versed is my friend LOL
 I LIKE the idea of a mini vacation at a nice  hotel.. I will suggest it to Mark.
