MY RD APPT | Arthritis Information


I had my RD appt & MRI's of my hands on June 2nd.

RD was so happy to see that most of my joints were not swelled and then she got to my knees and ankles and her face fell. She was very disappointed. She said she was disappointed and her face sure did show it. My knees were REALLY hot and swelled. She asked if I was taking the MTX, and of course I am.
She RXed me an anti-inflammatory, which is a extented release naproxan sodium. She said I was very limited on what she can RX me for an anti-inflammatory since I am allergic to sulfa. She said most anti-inflammatories have sulfa in them. I went to get my RXs and the ER Naproxan Sodium was , so needless to say I did not buy it. I will have to get her to RX my something different.
Then I was telling her about how my left foot shakes uncontrollably when I have pain in my left knee that runs down to my left ankle. She said it sounded like RLS. So... she RXed me Mirapex. She said she guessed the Lyrica was not going to help with my RLS.
The Lyrica is doing a GREAT job on the ole fibro! I have had very little twitching and my upper neck/upper back/shoulder area has not been so painful and stiff like it use to be. I can turn my head from side to side and the right side of my jaw has not been bothering me as much. It is inflammed right now, but I can still open my mouth a good bit.
She also bumped up my Remicade to 400mg. She was hesitant about it again. But she said the swelling and all needed to get under control and since I had a bad last 6 weeks she upped it. She said if I get any signs of an episode like I had the other time to call her and then go to the ER.
My right knee has been acting good and my whole right side. But now it is my left knee and the joints on the left side that are swelling the worst. Oh the pain! I have been dealing with the joints on my left side swelling worse than my right side for the last 4 weeks and it has taken a toll on my mentally and physically. And my pain meds do not even help! Tramadol and one darvocet.
So... that is it all in a nut shell.
Miss ya'll! Hope to be back online soon!
So?So... you love me and have lesbian tendancies towards me. I know you dream of me and my saggy boobers! Joonie, I am sorry you are having trouble but glad something is working on the fibro!  It is so good to not have that pain and mental drain!  You hang in there, it sounds like your RD is working hard for you!  Ask her if there is any aid you can apply for to help with that perscription.  Many of the drug companies have that now and I think you apply through your doctor's office.

Sunny days to you soon Joonie!
Joonie - Ask your RD about Savella. It's a new med for fibro, maybe that would help with RLS.Haven't heard of or know everything but for sure I've never heard of pain with RLS. Good to hear your RD is being very attentive.. Try to get that med for inflammation!!  YOu need it!  Naproxen Sodium is a generic and what i take..It works well...
I dont' have "pain" from my RLS... the pains I have are from PN.. the shockers & fireworks (I call them) and the tired achey muscles from knees down at end of day is the RLS.. It feels like you have to move to stop the achiness..  is that what you feel, Joonie?
So sorry to hear you are in a flare.  Mine does the same moving from one side of my body to the other.   I hope you feel better soon.
It is hard to explain.
I just know... if I walk or do to much walking while my left knee, ankle and hip are swelled that I have shooting pain down my leg and my left foot will shake and jerk by its self. It is not painful... it is just a respones to the pain running thru my leg. It is kinda like a shock wave running thru my leg and then when it gets to my ankle my foot will shake and/or jerk. It mostly jerks when I have walked more than I was suppose to. The shaking just about every time the pain is shooting thru my leg.
My RD said it was a form of RLS. I guess she is right... because I have been taking the Mirapex before I lay down and my foot has not shaked or jerked since taking the mirapex. But my leg still has pain shooting up and down it.
Oh and my RD also said that she thinks the pain I keep saying is in my outter hip that runs down my leg to my knee is brutitis (SP). While I was there... she wanted to inject both my hip areas and my left knee. I freaked on her and told her no. She said ok, but if I complained about it again she was going to inject me in those areas. I hope it goes away. It sounds really painful... to get 3 injections in the same day. *Shutters*
