living in a bubble! | Arthritis Information


I have to vent! My brother in law is and has been in the hospital for a week now with pnuemonia, and because I am on Enbrel, my doc told me to stay away. My family is very close, and I am have a really hard time with this. He is not getting any better and his doctors are now thinking something worse may be going on. I feel horrible about not being there for him, although he totally understands. I can't live in a bubble, but I don't want to risk getting really sick myself. Has anyone noticed getting sick easier when on Enbrel? That is the only thing I take for my PA. I have been on Enbrel for two months now, and haven't yet gotten sick, which I thought was pretty good considering I work with the public. Any advice?

AllymomHi Allymom, I think you should be able to visit your brother if you maintain some aspects of sterile conditions, such as wearing a mask, maybe a gown and gloves.  Talk with your doctor further about this and also talk to the floor nurses and they'll be able to help you.  Hospitals are germ laden, not just your brothers.  It's true that biologics are immuno suppressants and some of us develop infections routinely and others don't.  There's no set answer on that one.  Talk to the nurses and your RD about masking and gowning so you can see him.  I really hope you can visit him.  Take care.  Lindy LinB2009-06-07 15:55:51Lindy
My brother in law is out of the hosptial now so I don't have to worry about that, but my daughter got a cold that she so lovingly shared with me. This is the first time I've been sick while on Enbrel, I'm actually curious if it will be as bad as I've heard. So far, it's not so bad, the flare up I'm in right now is much worse. I've never been one to get infections easily so I'm hoping that will continue. Enbrel is my only hope, all the other drugs are too harsh on my kidneys. Thanks and take care! Ally, you'll probably just have a normal cold reaction.  Depends on the "bug" your daughter gave you.   Am really happy to hear that your brother is home.  I've been on biologics for 5 years and I've had one cold, two sinus infections, a bladder infection, and several gum abcesses which caused me to stop all my meds in Feb.  I've since restarted and hope I gain the same measure of pain and inflammation free that I had before I stopped.  If it hadn't been for the gum abcess I wouldn't have had to stop.  Some people are more suseptible to virus's and bacteria.  LindyI agree, you can't live in a bubble. Do you have to stop going to work and the store during flu season? I'd ask your doctor about "reasonable" precautions. However, if he did tell you not to go to the hospital, I'd be inclined to obey the doctor's orders. Let us know how bad the cold is with the Enbrel. Young wife,
I am pretty much over my cold. I was very surprised by how quickly it went away. I know that I can't stop living just because of the Enbrel, but my doc has cautioned me because of where I work. I'm a manager in a large grocery store and since everyone needs groceries, I come in contact with a lot of germs. I've always been really good about washing my hands frequently at work and now I carry sanitizer on me. This fall for cold and flu season has me a little worried, but so far so good. Plus I have a 3 year old and kids are always bearers of germs!
Thanks for the reply.