low dose naltrexone | Arthritis Information


anyone taking this and getting good results?Why are you on this?

Isn't that for used for opiate or alcohol dependence?Yep, it was/is used for that but in high doses.  I take this, 4.5 mg, for my fibromyalgia.  I had been through the gammit on the drugs for the fibro... nothing worked.  I started taking this in Sept. '08 and it has worked very well for me. 

Here is a link to a website for info; http://www.ldninfo.org/  Like most things, it seems to work for some but not for others.  I have to have my LDN compounded, really not that big of a deal and it is cheap - less than per pill. 
An article from Stanford.

[quote]What is low-dose naltrexone?

We tested a medication called low-dose naltrexone (LDN). Naltrexone is a medication that has been used for many years to treat opioid addiction. When given at a smaller dose (usually 4.5mg), the drug may help to reduce pain associated with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease. LDN is not FDA-approved for the treatment of pain, and is still experimental. LDN capsules are typically taken once per day.[/quote]

A list of LDN clinical trials and brief excerpts.

IIRC there is at least one member who takes LDN. EDITED TO ADD. Thanks Waddie, my memory did serve!
Spelunker2009-06-09 14:56:22Oh, I did not know about it's other uses.  Thanks for the info :)This sounds so promising... I need a mtx alternative!! My Rd doesn't go outside the box and I know the look he will give me if I ask about it. I wish there were more studies done with RA. Jodi, I have not seen improvement in my RA with this but the wonders it has done my fibro!  It may work in some for RA, unfortunately not for me.  Did the MTX cause you problems?  There are alternatives and I am proof of that!!!  Yes! Mtx causes severe hair loss for me. It's awful, and I was on a low dose. I didn't feel any better while on it but RD says if my scheduled Sept. mri shows erosions, he wants me back on it.( I'm worried about one knuckle on my right hand). Arava makes my hair fall out and elevates my liver enzymes. What else is there?Phatgirl2, No I don't take I just wanted to know if any of you take it with MTX.
So, this med for this reason is just in clinical trials at the moment?  Sounds promising for some people!
[QUOTE=Spelunker] An article from Stanford.

[quote]What is low-dose naltrexone?

We tested a medication called low-dose naltrexone (LDN). Naltrexone is a medication that has been used for many years to treat opioid addiction. When given at a smaller dose (usually 4.5mg), the drug may help to reduce pain associated with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease. LDN is not FDA-approved for the treatment of pain, and is still experimental. LDN capsules are typically taken once per day.[/quote]

A list of LDN clinical trials and brief excerpts.

IIRC there is at least one member who takes LDN. EDITED TO ADD. Thanks Waddie, my memory did serve!
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