Anybody see House last night? Sjogren's syndrome | Arthritis Information


(6/10) There was a girl on there that they finally determined had sjogren's syndrome. HOLY COW!! I had no idea it could be that serious. She had cyst on her lungs and bad breathing problems. She almost died a couple times during that episode!

I don't usually watch that show; but I liked it. I just might have to start watching that.
missed it.......and I like that show!!!  Too bad..........My kid claims he should have an honorary medical degree from watching every episode.

any idea of the title of the show?  we may be able to catch it online.

missed it, sounds interesting.Episode is called "Lucky Thirteen" it is from season 5 and is episode 5. It aired October 21, 2008. I LOVE House.  I don't remember that episode and I thought I had seen every one.  I wish he were my doctor.  LOL  I think he is HOT too.  You should start watching it Lovie.  Did you know he is British and when you see him on talk shows, he has this really strong accent. 