Mom's Lupus... My heart | Arthritis Information


Hey all, I will be scarce for the next few days... RD called today to say mom needs to be admitted NOW for a blood infection, she suspects staff.  Cause by Lupus?  IDK, I am not up on this disease... but I suspect it is so.  So, at the hospital I will be! 

Also, the cardiologist called and he wants to see me sooner... next week instead of 2 weeks out.   ?????? I mean, if something is wrong, is it wrong enough for "see me in a week" vs "see me NOW!"?  I will be over there today and I will see if I can get more info.  Oh yeah, he wants to see me on my court date!!!!

When it rains, it pours.........sorry about the storm.  It seems to happen this way.    Once your mom is on IV antibiotics she'll start doing better pretty quickly.  Try and take care of you.  We'll be thinking of you and your mom.  Hugs, LindyHope everything is going to be alright. You'll be in my thoughts. Oh Waddie...   this is alot on you.  Sorry that things are piling up.  What about the court date, can you change it?  Get a letter from the Cardiologist?  IDK what you would need to do.

I am hugging you w/ good thoughts and prayer.
Thinking about you, Waddie!Sorry to hear this is all happening at once. Keep us informed-we will be thinking about you.

Sounds like quite a stressful morning.   Hope your mom feels better soon and you find some answers at your appt.   Extra good thoughts being sent your way!

[QUOTE=waddie]  Oh yeah, he wants to see me on my court date!!!! [/QUOTE]

Ah, Waddie! Maybe you could arrange for the members of the court to accompany you on your doctors visit: utilize the adage about two birds with one stone and then maybe, just maybe, you would have an afternoon, or a morning, just for you?!

Sending you a cornucopia of good vibrations.
Waddie...........I'm sending prayers to you and your mom.  Hang in there!Many prayers for you and your mom.
Much hugs
You and your mom are in my prayers, Waddie.

I'm thinking of you and your mom and hope she responds quickly.  Lindy

I hope it all works out for the best. Take care and try not to stress over it.Hey all, thank-you so much for your support, well wishes and mostly, friendship!  It sure means a lot right now!

My mom seems to have had an UTI that went septic.  Whether or not that was sped up by the Imuran is debatable as it probably would have happened anyway.  She had a fall the first night in hospital even though she was on 'Fall Precaution'!  Thankfully, no ill effects from that.  As she said, she is so short, she did not have far to go!  Her sense of humor is intact!  She will probably be there for several more days and I have found some help for her (which will help me) once she gets home.  My sister was off yesterday and was able to drive me over and spent the day so that was a blessing too.  She works at the same hospital and I feel very bad she has to go on her day off.  Also, she ends up taking on much of mom's care while she is there such as bathing, sheet changing, running for water and so on.  It is nice that she can get the 411 from the nurses!

I went to the doctor late this morning... cellulitis AGAIN!!!  waddie!!! (hugs)
This is good stuff.. Hope the meds get Mom in shape, YOU take care of YOU, please...
Miss talking w/ you too
Please do keep us posted!