WHEELCHAIR NOW AT HOME! | Arthritis Information


HI guys, well, I have been in agony with plantar fasciitis and ankle/feet probs for weeks now, and my two sisters arrived from the UK last Weds, we are having a ball but I have had to watch them go out shopping etc without me due to pain/fatigue/the usual you know how it gets, so I finally gave in and decided yes, a wheelchair would be handy as I have been getting around the house on a computer chair and its too hard to do that, so now I can use the chair and the scooter when I go to the shops around here but if I go to Brisbane to Drs etc, I am not allowed to take the scooter, only the wheelchair, which I have to admit I need now, I can't walk too far without awful back pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain etc etc

I am having my two MRI scans on Weds under sedation (Lumbar and Cervical spine), and feet x-ray - followed by RD visit Monday 22nd! 
Liam is going into hospital this Weds also for a team assessment, for his pain management course very soon, he has improved a bit, but still suffering unfortunately.
Did have some good news though, hubby got himself a part time casual job even though he is my carer he is allowed to do so many hours a week so he is feeling good, he deeserves it, he is my angel.  Hope you are all coping and feeling better than usual, hugs Janie.XXX 
Janie, make what adjustments you need in order to go about your business. I think a wheelchair is a great idea to help you do what you want to. Life goes on! Why suffer more pain than you have to, walking on painful feet and all the rest of it? Good job and good luck with your MRIs.Glad to hear you've decided to do it and your enjoying the freedom it allows. Nice to hear you are having a nice visit with your sisters.
Nice to see you. Let us know what the results are from the MRI's.
Take care.
I've had to scoot around on my computer chair at times also so I know how you feel.  I'm glad your sisters are there.  Have a ball!Enjoy [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]Enjoy[/QUOTE]




No sympathy no empathy no support... just "enjoy" the MRI, her childs' illness and being wheel chair-bound.

Enjoy her sisters as she talked about.  Said they are having a ball.Sorry to hear of all your pain, and Liams pain. I hope the best for both of you.
Please do let us know of the results.

Janie - I so know how it is to not be able to go places.  I cannot commit to anything anymore.  It took months but I finally got an electric scooter.  I am not using it now and wish I would never need it again BUT what a difference if you do need it.  I do not have to ask people to get me things, it makes me so much more independent.  I just wish I had a vehicle that I could take it places.  That is my next goal if I start using it again.  All the independence we can get !

Good luck and hopefully good results on your procedure.  You deserve all life has to offer Thankyou so much guys for your support, I feel a little bit better today about the wheelchair.  HUgs Janie.  I don't think I can go ahead with the scans as I really do feel terrible and just don't need any more Drs and tests right now!Hi Janie and you have a great time with your visitors !!

When I broke my ankle I used a wheelchair to get around - it was such fun !!   Had a lot of retail therapy happening I can tell you.  The only problem I had was the ramps up to the doors sometimes being too steep - so I would push the pram (grandson) & my daughter would push me  --- 'road train'.
Hope the pain eases & you feel better,
Sorry u are having such a bad time with health.  Paint some racing stripes on wheelchair and go for it  :)  !    Will lessen strain on your body.  I just wish the docs could come up with something to help.  ((hugs))  Lorraine  
Maz-aust....the vision of your road train made me laugh.  I can just imagine it. I agree with SnowOwl....pimp your ride!!!!  I haven't had to use a wheelchair but when I was using canes and crutches I pimped them up and it made it a lot more fun to use them.  I was constantly getting comments on how cool they were.  The nurses and other patients at the hospitals were really impressed!

Janie, I'm so sorry you and Liam are having such trouble, hugs.
As to the wheelchair, I agree that it's smart to use whatever we can to provide some independence, even at home. Why use all your energy up just to struggle to walk when you need it to actually get something accomplished... necessary, creative, enjoyable? And I hope you definitely use it outside your home. My sweet aunt is too vain or something and stubbornly refuses to be seen in one, although she has grudgingly started using a walker at home. My poor uncle is getting cabin fever now and he would absolutely love to push her wheelchair if that meant they could go places again. I learned from watching that, so even though I'm 35 years younger, I do not fight my family about it; we all would rather go have some fun.
I also love the idea of fancying up our physical aides. I did choose to get a pink cane, but I never thought of decorating my little motorscooter... I might just do it!
[QUOTE=janiefx1]HI guys, well, I have been in agony with plantar fasciitis and ankle/feet probs for weeks now, and my two sisters arrived from the UK last Weds, we are having a ball but I have had to watch them go out shopping etc without me due to pain/fatigue/the usual you know how it gets, so I finally gave in and decided yes, a wheelchair would be handy as I have been getting around the house on a computer chair and its too hard to do that, so now I can use the chair and the scooter when I go to the shops around here but if I go to Brisbane to Drs etc, I am not allowed to take the scooter, only the wheelchair, which I have to admit I need now, I can't walk too far without awful back pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain etc etc
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