RD Appt. | Arthritis Information


Finally have had the last of my appointments, DH is cleared and doesn't need a biopsy and we're out of this hot weather and headed north on 6/23.  We're anxious to get moving.

My RD appt. went well.  He was concerned about my hands and wrist and said that if Humira, MXT, SZS didn't start working in 6 weeks then he'd like for me to start Simponi.  I had my list of questions and Simponi was on my list.  He also gave me a sample of Voltaren Gel - It's MAGIC.  I have bilateral hip bursitis and can't lay on either hip at night, so that pretty much inhibits positioning.  It helps with the hip pain, knee pain, finger pain is 75% better and the trapezis pain I was having is helped by about 50%.  The gel is great.  It is an NSAID topical and all of the same precautions and side effects of oral NSAIDS apply.  Ask your doctor for samples and see if it works.  I'm thrilled. 
Am starting a burst pack for the bursitis.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  He's hoping I'll get relief for the bursitis and the flare.  Right now everything is painful, even my jaw.   
Since we've decided to settle in the Spokane area, my RD knows all the doctors at the rheumatology center and said that he thought I would get along well with Dr. ____.  He went to school with him.  I was very lucky in that respect.  I knew I would use the center but wasn't sure about which doctor. 
Because we'll be in Spokane for 6-8 months a year and through Yuma on our way to Mexico or Tucson,  they'll coordinate my care. 
Am looking forward to some painfree days here pretty soon.  Lindy
I hope you get those pain free days really soon.  And I'm glad your husband won't need the biopsy.  Sigh of relief there, I'll bet.Glad to see there have been some positive turn of events! Always a relief to catch a break now and then isn't it?
I wish you continued good luck and healing!
Hi Lindy,
I live 3 hours north of Spokane and if you are looking for relief from the heat you won't find it there.  We have been experiencing 90 degree temp. on and off for the past week.  I think where you are is a dry heat and here there is more humidity.  Spokane is a beautiful place and I know you will love it there.
Glad your appt. went well and I too use the same med. as the Voltaren and it is really good but does not work on the elbows.
Take care.
Hi Pat, It's better than the 105 degrees we had for a week or more.  90 degrees I can deal with, that's what we're experiencing now.  Also, I grew up on the east coast and it's really humid at our place in Mexico, so humidity isn't the problem.  My biggest concern is changes in barometer readings.  That does effect my joints.  We plan on visiting BC this summer and maybe we'll get to meet.  LindyI am a woos when it comes to hot weather.  I like it around 80 degrees unless I am inside then hotter is fine.  105 d and I would be passed out although we have had it that high in the past few years. 
I would love to meet you this summer.  That would be great.  I have relatives in Spokane but did not bother to get a passport to cross the border so I am scooped.  Dh got his and tried to talk me into getting mine.  I may wait till my next birthday and you can get a special drivers license to cross by land but not fly.  You will find the west coast much different, I think, from the east.  Lots of mountains and valleys but it is lovely.  We still have snow on Red mountain and have snow all year round on Old Glory. 
Stay in touch.
I'm sooo excited about settling in Spokane.  We have friends throughout BC and try to make a trip each summer.  We also have relatives in Washington and Oregon so that will be better for us.  BC is absolutely one of the most beautiful and serene areas.  You're a lucky lady except for the winter.  We're hoping to travel in the worst winter months, back to Mexico, S. Texas and Tucson.  We haven't been in winter weather for about 5 years.  We will stay in touch.  LindyGood news!  Lindy!!  This is good news!  Glad about DH... and that you've decided on where to settle...
I look forward to some HOT weather soon.... We are in the 70s and low80's and rainy off and on for WEEKS here.... ugh!

Glad to hear the good news! I hope the meds work for you and make you pain free again really soon.

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