How Long Does It Take Before Enbrel Works? | Arthritis Information


I just got my first Enbrel shot on Thursday and I was wondering how long it took before you felt a difference after your first shot.   I am so anxious today because it's as if I feel worst.  I'm so frustrated because I wanted to go to my church's picnic and I can't walk.!    I want to go!Aleva,

I had an awesome response from Enbrel.  I don't think everyone responds as quickly as I did, but for me it was right after my 2nd shot.
No kidding, it took one day for me.  And it was a dramatic improvement.  Like Kween, I think it's not the usual case for it to work as quickly as it did for me.  I do hope that you have as much success as I have, even if it takes a little longer to kick in.I noticed it gradually over about one month.   I suppose the level of  improvement  may depend on somewhat on how bad you're feeling before hand?    Hope it starts working quickly for you and brings relief.Did any of you have problems with your feet and ankles and saw an improvement after taking enbrel?  I feel find everywhere else but there.I had a quick response.. but an even greater one once when I had to be off the shots for about a month... and started again.
Pehpas... as CathyMN said.. it depends on your level how much better you feel and how quickly.
I hope you find relief!!
Aleva - the biggest improvement for me was fatigue and feet.   I found that I could work all day and not need a nap by 1:00 and I wore heels a few times a week.   That was almost two years ago and while I'm still doing pretty well, I have noticed some increased RA activity.   Time will tell if it's just temporary or if enbrel is losing steam.   

I wasn't only flaring in my ankles and toes, I was also flaring in shoulders, wrists, knuckles, and one knee.  I felt like I was a mess.  I  was totally miserable.  I was out of work a lot too.  I'm so thankful I have a boss who is understanding.

I wish I could say that I responded quickly, to Enbrel, but to be honest, it took a month and a half to two months, before I started to show improvement.  But remember that everyone is different and has different reactions and responses to treatment.  It might me a lot sooner for you.  I get anxious too, when I try new medications.  I always hope it will be the magic treatment.  I hope Enbrel starts to work soon, for you!From the patient information that came with my Enbrel prescription:

[quote]In medical studies, ENBREL was shown to be effective in about 2 out of 3 adults with RA who used it, and has been shown to begin working in as few as 2 weeks, with most patients receiving benefit within 3 months. In an RA medical study, 55% of patients had no progression of joint damage.[/quote] Oh thank you guys for your responses.  I remain hopeful that enbrel will "kick in" soon.  It is so humid here and the weather is changing 3 times a day.  I just can hardly walk today.  If I sit down more than 7 minutes my feet and ankles are so stiff I can hardly walk. 
Oh how nice it woud be to wear a "real" pair of shoes again.
Hi Aleva,
It took me about three weeks before I actually noticed a drastic improvement.  Of course, it kept getting better over time.  Good luck with it!  HG
Gosh, I just read over at the "Just starting Enbrel" part of this forum and it was some scary stuff happening to people over there. (seizures) Oh I hope nothing like that happens to any of us.  I didn't have any side effects after my first injection.