Plaquenil - Eye Problems? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

Has anyone had eye complications from Plaquenil or even Enbrel?
My eyes are bothering me and very quickly I'm struggling with vision.  I have an anual (late) eye exam for August 31st, but that seems so far away.
If you had problems, did you have any symptoms?
Hi Nori, 
I've been taking plaquenil for over 17 years now and have had no problem with my eyes.  I've been told it's VERY rare...but was given a paper with the amsler grid ...and told to look at the middle where the dot is and if any of the lines look wavy..or just not right, to give my doctor a call.
Check it out here
whhen I was on plaquenil I was told that the eye problems would show up as a gradual loss of a total field of vision. 
Call your eye dr for an exam the odds are it isn't the med but it pays to be on the safe side
I had eye issues (glaucoma) and the Opthamologist said it was from a medication (NSAID) ... which my RD says it wasn't......  who knows?
definitely get it checked out!!  goodluck.
How long have you been on Plaquenil?
I'd call your eye doctor and tell them you are experiencing problems and you're worried and would feel better if you could move that appointment up. I agree that August is a long way away. They'll work you in with in the next couple of weeks if not sooner I'm sure.
Good Luck.
Neat site Kel. I'm going to check that out later when I have more time to fool around.
Definitely go get it checked out but as others have said it's almost certainly not plaquenil-related.  My doc, in practice more than 20 years, has never seen a case of plaquenil-induced eye problems in any of her patients.  It's quite rare.

Hi Nori,

I was on Plaquinel for a looong time and after my last eye exam, the doc said he thought he saw a spot that might be maculare degeneration. I called my RD and he told me to get off the Plaquinel right away. My internest told me to get another opinion with my eyes and that doc told me my eyes looked fine. But since i felt no after affects from not being on Plaquinel i've decided to stay off of it. I've been off of it for 6 months now with no problems. All i'm taking right now is 20 mg of MTX and i'm doing well except for the ILD i came down with. But that's a whole new story i'm still working on.  I'm not  here telling anyone they dont need Plaquinel, but that's how it's worked out for me. All i can say is work with your docs, and i hope all goes well for you.
I know of people who have had eye problems on Plaquenil.  Have it checked.