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Welp went and got my infusion today. The Remicaide nurse only had to stick me one time this go around! YAY!!! WOOOHOOO!!!

We figured out how to do it in one stick. I told her before she started that instead of the ole big stick to do a small stick. I tried to explain to her how the old remicaide nurse done her sticking. Which was she would slowly feed the need thru my skin and into the vein and when she hit blood she would slowly push the cath in. So... she gave it a try and it was a one stick wonder!
She said she had been dreading my infusion today because she knows how she never gets it on the first stick and she was going to do a cut off at 4 sticks before sending me across the street. She said she finally knows how to do it and will continue to try to stick once now. She said she bet I was happy she figured out how to do the one stick on me now too. I told her nope I had become use to the multiple sticks and really did not dread it, as I was in more pain from the ole RA than her multiple sticks. She said it hurt her to hurt me that many times.
I also got to have the 400mg of Remicaide this infusion too!!! WOOHOOO!! I thought it was to be the infusion after this infusion, that is what the lady who made my appt for this infusion said. I was surprised when the remicaide nurse said I was getting 400mg.
The remicaide nurse said that I was getting close to the max of how much remicaide I could have. She asked if RD talked about if I might be switching. I told her yeah she had been talking about me switching since beginning of the year, but last visit she was really pushing for me to want to switch. Which she was. She was talking about Retuxian (sp). She said oh.
I am doing SOO much better since my infusion. All thanks to the solumedrol. I can almost walk, and I am not leaning forward as bad now. PLUS, my left ankle stopped hurting and well just about everything that was hurting for 6 weeks has stopped hurting. No pain meds for me! FINALLY!
I am hoping tomorrow is better. As I have a date with a bathroom. If not tomorrow, then when I feel I am up to cleaning it. I cleaned the shower a week or so back. It took me 3 hours. It was not dirty, dirty. It is just me going at my pace. Which was slow and turtle slow. I sat in the shower when I felt pain or a spasm coming on and turned on the water to sooth my pain and then I would begin scrubbing again. In all it took me 3 hours and many small hot showers. But the shower was clean enough to eat off of and sparkled. I felt like I had been trampled by all the bulls from a Pamplona bull run for a week straight and never recovered and just got even worse, but at least my shower was clean and it made me feel like I was worth something for a little while. Because I was the only one who would clean the shower that damn clean
I felt bad because she came in just for me. But the lady on the phone did not say I could have a later in the week appt. She only talked of Monday.
I felt really bad about it. Mondays is one of her days off. If I would have known no one else was not going to come in today I would not have opted to either.
I told hubby how I felt bad about it. And he said well you need relief from your pain. The nurse knew she was going to have to make up for rescheduling your appt. So do not feel bad. I told him... I guess, but I still feel bad about her having to come in just for me on one of her days off.
Yay! That's great news Joonie! Only one stick and you feel so much better! Hope it continues for a long long time!!!!!!! Me too! But the last time RD upped the Remicaide, the Remicaide nurse said it was just a few months after being put on at 200mg. So... when I was upped to 300mg it was probably a good year of doing pretty well. That is what me and Remicade nurse talked about today. But she said that RD noted in my chart if I still had a lot of inflammation on my next visit that she was going to try to make a switch. I figured that, RD told me that last visit.
I also seem to keep losing weight. I am down to 160. I think I was weighing in at 178. and then last RD visit 168 and now 160. I know I am loosing weight, because my pants keep falling off of me. And everyone keeps telling me I look like I lost weight. I just refuse to see the weight loss because it will be back. I just keep telling people I weigh 178.
What was funny... last RD visit the vital lady forgot to take my weight. so... RD weighed me. I set the scale weights where I knew they went. Which were the big weight 150 and the small one to in the 20's somewhere. She left the small weight on the 20's but moved the big weight to the 100 mark. Then she slid the small weight to the very end and then looked at me and said "I guess you had it right the first time." I looked at her and smiled.
So you look even thinner than you are- that is wonderful that you lost weight! I lost a little weight and then like you said....IT WAS BACK!
I am really not what you would call heavy but I am very small and have very small bones so a little looks like a lot. My belly is my bad spot. It is very round and bloated- I like to blame it on the prednisone but some of it is just my own fault I think.
welp... I am 5'2". So I am severly overweight, but not obese. So the calculator on the internet says. So when me and hubby went to eat lunch before my infusion. We went to CiCi's Pizza. I was all smiles and laughing and giggling. Heck at one time I just sat there staring at hubby giggling and then he started laughing at me giggling and he had no idea why I was giggling. I just felt like it.
I had him smiling and laughing the whole trip. Which is unusual for me to be able to pull off. But I done it. I was just SOOOO HAPPY to be getting my infusion and the relief that comes along after getting it.
PLUS, we had no kids with us this trip, so he had only me to pay attention to and all. But I just thought it funny that he thought it funny enough to laugh with me and did not even know what I was laughing about.
We were laughing so much that the manager of the place kept asking us if everything was alright. I think we were kinda loud. Well I know I probably was because I kinda laugh loud without knowing it. So, that is when I resorted to giggling. So the manager would stop asking us if everything was alright.
interesting that your nurse said you were nearing max dose...I was at 10mg/kg at a 4 week interval....Sound like you had a lot of fun- it's good to feel good!