OT - sort of - poison oak | Arthritis Information


Snow. I had this a while ago and steroids were the only thing that cleared it up. Im not sure if you get a cream called Anthisan where you are but it does help a lot with the itching.

I sympathise with you as the itching burns and it makes you feel so ill. I hope you get something for it soon.
take care
I would have to say, taking my own personal experience into consideration, that allergens seem to be able to get quite a strangle hold on us RA'ers.... or at least me.... I had 5 weeks of major allergy bursts whereas I have NEVER had them before......  quite odd.
Ihope you get some relief quickly, Snow......
I would call the dr. every hr. on the hr. until you get the prescrip! Sounds like it's what you need- this has gone on for too long! Keep us posted.I'm glad you are getting the Medrol Snow and I hope it clears it up very soon.
I HATE poison ivy and poison oak rashes.  I get it so easily, and the itch is so intense it keeps me up at night, and makes me feel like I could lose my mind!  My cat always used to get it on his fur and bring it home to me, and I would get poison ivy just sitting in my livingroom!  Now my son goes camping and hiking and I get it when I'm doing his laundry!
For home remedies, I have found Jewel Weed spray works well for me.  Jewel Weed usually grows near poison ivy,  nature's balance I guess.  It is like an antidote!  You can crush the leaves and rub them on the rash, or I just go to the health food store and buy a big bottle of the pump spray.  It works better than the cortizone creams and other over-the-counter stuff from the drug store for me.
Ewww, sorry Snow. Ya definitely have my sympathy.

I had some poison ivy get ahold of me a couple of years ago that just would not go away. After two and half intolerably itchy, oozy, icky weeks, I finally called my doc and got steriod pack.

Make sure to wash all your tools, clothes, shoes, etc., anything that might have touched the poison oak. The oil from that stuff (urushiol) can stay viable on surfaces for at least a year. Nasty. (Oh, and never burn poison oak, ivy or summac. Super bad lung-irritant.)

Hope you're itch-free soon!!

Snow... I hope the medrol pak helps you out greatly! I can imagine it is the pits.
Poor hubby had one of the poisons, not sure which, about 2 months back. He went to bed and woke up with a BIG itchy rash on his bicep on his left arm, some on his right forearm and just a little blotch on his belly. He was itching for a week straight!
He would not go to the Dr for anything. He just kept calamine lotion on it. Now he has a rough area on his bicep where the rash was, from where he kept itching it.
He got his from cutting down cane pole in the backyard in the dogs old pen.
I do not think I have ever had any of the poisons.
joonie2009-06-16 10:18:38You can also try some benadryl, especially at night before bed.  It will help reduce the allergic itching and make it easier for you to sleep. I was plagued by poison ivy when young.  Every inch of my body (including all major orifices
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