MTX - Hot cold flashes | Arthritis Information


Anyone else get this odd side effect?

I have been getting cold and hot flashes, lately.
I took my MTX friday. Then Monday... it was over 90 degrees outside. I dressed in my black velvety jog pants and a green supergirl t-shirt. Which what I always wear for my infusion because it is just comfortable and the shirt is to try to make me feel a little better about the needle involved. Don't ask it was hubbies idea for the shirt
Anyways... I figured I would have been sweating to death. wearing black velvety jog pants in 90 degree weather. But I know how cold RD office is so I did not wear shorts. I did not want to freeze to death. And I did not wear jeans because if I had to go to the bathroom, I would not have been able to unbutton and button and pull the pants back up by myself.
We were in CiCi's Pizza and I was freezing to death! My teeth were chattering and I could not stop shivering. And hubby said it was not that cold in there. But for the whole hour we were in there I was freezing! Hubby was wearing shorts and he was not even cold. My hands were not cold, nor my goose-bump riddled arms, but I was freezing.
Then when I got to RDs office I was sweating to death! I never sweat in there! I always freeze in there. Then I had to put the heating pad on my hand to help with my veins I was my arm was pouring down sweat! I never sweat with the heating pad on my hand. And it was on low.
I also had a temp to... 99.2... well it is a temp for me. My normal temp is in the 96 point something.
And then a little before my infusion was done I was back to not being hot nor cold, but just right. Then last night it started all over again!
