Tell me about your STIFFNESS. | Arthritis Information


If you would please give me a brief description of your STIFFNESS with FIBRO.   Where do you feel stiff ?    Are you able to move at all ?   How long does it last ?   How bad is the pain ?   Is your spine stiff from neck to tailbone ?   What brings it on ?
That sort of thing.

One of the NEW THINGS they are now testing me for is STIFF PERSON SYNDROME.   Go figure........what a silly name.

Anyway, I've gotten so much worse, and have such PARALIZING pain and muscle stiffness, that's what the NEURO is testing for now.   1 in a million have it.

This is the same Doc who did my muscle bio and will do another if these test do not show him anything, but what I feel like I need is a spinal tap.

Thanks for all your input. I was diagnosed with fibro about 4 years ago, and they added RA to my diagnosis in the last six months. I have dealth with stiffness from the onset of fibro. In the mornings, I can barely make it down the stairs (I go backwards sometimes) because of the stiffness in ankles and feet. My hands are also very stiff and sore, and of course, the whole neck, back, shoulder area is stiff. It lasts until I take my drugs and have a long hot shower. I usually get up in the morning, take my drugs, go back to bed for an hour, during which I do some flexing and stretching excercises; then I get up and do the long, hot shower. As long as I keep moving after that, I am not too stiff. But if I sit down to read the paper, or stop moving for any other reason, I stiffen up again. Now that I have been diagnosed with RA also, I don't know what to attribute to which disorder. But I have had the stiffness since the beginning; and in the beginning my diagnosis was fibromyalagia. Hope there is a little useful information in there. Try to keep moving, however you can!

Flower Mama
