New here.......... | Arthritis Information


OMG am I GLAD to find this site!!  I've been looking for an RA forum where people actually POST once in a while.   Last one I went to, the last post was in 2002.

I have a question.

 Does anyone take the methatrexate injectible?  If so - does it REALLY work better than the pills? 

I've been taking it in pill form for over 7 years... now my doctor seems to think that injecting it will work better.  

about me.........
33 yrs old.  diagnosed at 27.  Been on methatrexate ever since.
I have a love/hate thing going on with prednisone.
Started Humira 8 months ago.  Worked for a while, but now I seem to be A LOT worse than I ever was... which is why Dr wants to start injecting my methatrexate too.    He thinks that will help?

So - right now,
Methatrexate - I'm taking 8 pills a week (next week - going to the equivilant of 10 pills in shots - i guess)....
Humira - every two weeks
Prednisone - 20 mg every day.  (no taper - just 20 mgs a day until next month and then I'm sure he'll have me taper down slowly - again - so i can flare up like a puffer fish again)

I'm worse now than I ever have been.  It seems I can literally FEEL my joints deteriorating...(if that's possible).  EVERY single joint in my body hurts all the time........ morning stiffness lasts all day... every day.  I have ZERO energy...and what really kills me is that even prednisone isn't helping.  Usually, prednisone gives me atleast that nervous energy... nada now.   and it's NOT helping the pain or inflammation at all.

I'm sick of it - and it's nice to know there's a forum with PEOPLE on it that understand.   I thought about starting my own message board, but I dont have the patience to figure it out.   Are there any other message boards that are active like this for RA???

Thanks for listening to my rant.  I plan to be sticking around for a while....




Glad you came to this site.  I came in April of last year, I think.  We have lots of posts.  I found this board and have stuck with with.  I don't know if there are any more but I am sure there are.  For the most part, we help and support each other.

I haven't been online for a while, today is the first day in quite some time.

I take the pills, 6 a week.  I can't help you about the injections but I am sure someone will respond to you.  I must be having a flare up, yesterday no energy, hip hurting and especially my hands and wrists.  May I ask you, seeing as you have been on mtx, have you noticed any facial hair?  I took pred. for 3 days, as directed.  But when the dosage for mtx was increased, I have noticed the hair.  I can't find any info on that.

Stick around and you will learn and get support from all the others.


LOL yes.    I did notice that my mustache and whiskers grow a lot quicker.  Dont know if it's all the prednisone, or the MTX.... but I never used to be a man before.   I have to get waxed every week...

Well, at least I LIKE to blame the drugs.   It COULD be the Italian in me - or my age....... but I LIKE to blame the drugs.


woobieWelcome Woobie! So glad you found us. This is a
great place with lots of supportive people.

I don't have experience with mtx injectable, but just
wanted to say 'hi' and that I'm so sorry to hear you
are feeling so bad. You will be in my thoughts and
prayers today. Hang in there. The mtx injectable
may be just what you need.   And again, welcome!!!

I was dx'ed with RA about 12 years ago. I take 25mg & Humira weekly. If your doctor hasn't considered weekly verses bi-weekly you might want to suggest it to him. Especially if you were getting good results from Humira at first. For me after about 6 months I wasn't making it the full 14 days...maybe a good 9 days then it sort of "Petered Out" does that make sense?

Welcome again. Another site many of us are members at is Please ignore some of the recent behavior on here and references to this site I mentioned. I'd love for you to come over and judge for yourself. There seems to have been some really inappropreate behavior here the past few days; but it's honestly only between two people and I ask you please do not judge the groups as a whole. I personally am embarrashed by it and I know others feel the same way.

Hope to hear more from you in the future.


OH - and another question....

and this is personal - but it's been bothering me.....

Husband and I have been together for over 18 years.  He loves me and he helps me more than I deserve, I bet.  Little things like putting on my socks, squeezing my toothpaste.   I havent done dishes in a couple years....

but  - well - SEX.    It hurts me.   He is gentle - and he feels horrible that it hurts me - so we never do it anymore.   Sometimes.. ya just GOTTA.   But then I pay for it - for a week.

I'm 33 - My sex drive it increasing - and I cant DO anything about it.

Is it over for me??  Am I DONE?  

I too, want to blame the drugs!!!  Its the whiskers I see!!!  I wax the other.

Lovie is right, some posts haven't been nice, but please stay here.  Lovie, thanks for the other site.  I may go over there myself.


Hi and welcome, Woobie.. far as the sex question goes..for me I feel better after sex, so I'm not sure.  I would suggest you ask your doctor, maybe there is something else that's going on.  Do you mean your joints hurt after sex?

Thanks guys - you sure are QUICK!

Lovie - I registered over there - same name - woobie.
Dont worry, I understand about people being jacka ss es.  I belong to another message board for my husband's stuff, and we're like a family,.. but there's always someone who's looking for a fight.  I know

but i have to go lay down... I'll look at it and post on it later.  I spend 4 hours on here today, and i have to get up.........But - I will, for sure.  Thanks.

I think 2 places will be enough for now.  I 'm just glad to find people.  At my wits end, ya know?

yes, you do...

thanks ..........



Hi and welcome, Woobie.. far as the sex question goes..for me I feel better after sex, so I'm not sure.  I would suggest you ask your doctor, maybe there is something else that's going on.  Do you mean your joints hurt after sex?


Oh I feel awesome after sex.  

Then my husband feels horrible.  Then he wont touch me.   Then I feel bad that he feels bad and we're laying around feeling bad.

it's not good.


he has no answers.   his answers are increasing my meds and giving me pain pills that dont work. 

he says that nothing is going to get better until we get the RA "under control".  wonder how long that takes - it's been years so far.


i have to go to bed now - been on here for more than 4 hours.. hee hee  it's WAY passed my bedtime.

I really believe that sex has to be a problem for a lot of us.  I mean, maybe it's not talked about - but i cannot be the ONLY ONE.   It's a very real problem for me....for my husband too... altho he wont complain... at least not to me. 

and i'm a very blunt person - so even tho it's my first day here, i am just gonna come out with it  - --- I guess.  I dont know how Loose this forum is....... so I'll behave today.

I'm really going to bed now - promise. 



Welcome woobie.   Hope you found a new home here...You'll love the folks on this board...Great people.

Looking forward to reading your post.

Have a wonderful weekend and make sure you do something special for yourself.



Welcome Woobie -

Ok  Maybe you don't feel like partying but I do know how it feels to find relief in finding others that understand your frustration and pain. This board was truly a lifesaver for me when I was diagnosed last May.   I was miserable like you sound for months until I got on Enbrel.  I do not tolerate mtx so have to only take low doses.  Never had injectable.   Right now I am well but fingers crossed, knock on wood, prayers and chants that the Enbrel never stops working.  I hope that some of the new biologics may be helpful to you.  I did want to tell you that my doctor changed my pain med to Talwin.  It is not codeine based and it has helped me more with the pain.  You may want to try it.  I am sorry you are so miserable - ra is a monster but hopefully positive changes will be coming soon.  RA is so unpredictable.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. 

PS  Sex is a good discussion.

I like it here... I think I will stay!