Encouragement for Rituxan users | Arthritis Information


I had my second Rituxan infusion yesterday. It was probably the worst RA day I've had since originally being diagnosed in 2003. The infusion went well, with no side effects at all, and I went home all prepared to wait out the 4-6 weeks I was told was the average time it takes for a result.
I slept like a baby all night long last night for the first time in weeks. I brought Vicodin home with me after the day I had yesterday and happily took one before bed.  But the wonderful thing this morning was that I woke up with absolutely no pain! I could hardly believe how much better I felt. I am energetic and interested, have very minimal stiffness and absolutely no pain. I stopped Enbrel about 5 weeks ago and the RA was really running rampant as I made the switch to Rituxan.
I was so disbelieving that I was having such a positive outcome after only 2 weeks from the first infusion, I went looking online for experiences of other RA patients. On the Biogen site, in their FAQs there was a statement that many people experience significant improvement after as little as 2 weeks from the first infusion. Previously I had only ever read that it took 4-6 weeks! Miracles do happen! I think people need to know that sometimes these meds kick in right away. Hopefully I will have a good 6 months or so before I need the next round.
So - there is good news to be had out there! If anyone is wondering whether to agree to Rituxan, from my point of view it is the best thing since sliced bread!!! The other lady at the infusion unit had the same experience and was there for her 8th infusion.
thats good news Marigold...I hope it keeps working for you

awesome news...just great.  I hope it keeps getting better for you with Rituxan. I was supposed to start it yesterday but chickened out and asked if I could please try Orencia first as I was too scared of the side effects of Rituxan. 

best of luck with rituxan
That is wonderful news, Marigold! I am happy to hear that you had such a great response to the Rituxan in such a short time and then no pain to boot!
I hope you continue to improve and have very little pain!
YAY! Marigold!! I love the success stories!! 
pain free is wonderful!  I am so happy for you!!  Keep us up on your progress!!
Thanks for sharing your successful infusion and outcome with us. Like Babs I am always thrilled by anyone's attainment of a pain-free day and a joyous outlook.

Cheers! Shug
I appreciate all your comments. I am still pain free and feel almost euphoric. We all share so much pain and misery on here, I wanted people to know that there are sometimes solutions out there - just have to keep trying. The possible side effects are a bit scary, I agree, but when your quality of life from the pain and fatigue is leaving you dragging around being a downer for those around you, then the risks become worth taking. I have total faith in my physician and his staff and statistically the likelihood of something serious occurring, is not all that likely. Could happen, but not likely enough to not take the chance. I wanted to post an update on my Rituxan experience. I feel pretty silly actually. Turns out the reason I felt such immediate and complete relief immediately after the second infusion was because of the extra dose of steroids they give along with the infusion! It did not last. I have been having a lot of flare pain in the weeks since, especially at night and early morning. Had a checkup this week and apparently I have fewer actively involved joints than at the last exam, but I have to admit to being discouraged. We are to wait another month or so and see if the rituxan kicks in for real. As we all know, as soon as you say you feel better, the next issue is just around the corner, but I am working at being positive. keep thinking positive!! wishing you the best!! [QUOTE=Marigold] Had a checkup this week and apparently I have fewer actively involved joints than at the last exam, but I have to admit to being discouraged. We are to wait another month or so and see if the rituxan kicks in for real. As we all know, as soon as you say you feel better, the next issue is just around the corner, but I am working at being positive. [/QUOTE]
Marigold, I dare say we all know the disappointment of the RA shuffle--two steps forward, three back. I am sorry you are being forced to dance to that tune as well.

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