Is it bad to do this? | Arthritis Information


Well i got systemic JRA since april or mid-may i forgot and i take prednsione for it

so i used to take it at 6 in the morning and 6 at night, but my mom decided since im on summer vacation now she doesnt want to get up that early, right. So, she decided to move my medicine time to 7 in the morning and at night
do u think it would do anything bad since we changed it?
we're gonna start the 7 time tommorow
we did it at 6:30 tonight
i remember on june 4th when i was late for my prednisone my ankles and shoulders hurt alot
and i was only late that day cuz we had to see my rhuemotologist doctor
and then we went out to eat
but anyways, do u ppl think it would affect me when we change the time i take my drugs?
Hello Starperson, I have been on pred for 4 years and do not take it at exactly the same time every day. It may be between 1- 3 hrs difference without any trouble But... any longer and I would feel pain.
Of course it is better to have a routine for our medicine and as your Mom is altering your timimg in stages, you hopefully will not have any problems...   Good Luck . Hugs Lyn
well i did it at 7 this morning instead of 6
and i felt ok
so i guess i'll be fine lol
