My Heart... | Arthritis Information


Good grief Wadie what a shock. Hugs and best wishes and fingers crossed (if I could cross them that is) that you get your operation done and are on  your way to recovery as quickly as possible.

 Thank-you Sarah, I so appreciate your virtual crossed fingers.  What I am beginning to feel is a need for some tranqs! [QUOTE=waddie] [/QUOTE]
Waddie...I am so sorry about your dx
Lots of soft
Waddie. I am sorry for your diagnosis , its has to be scary for you but educate yourself as much as possible and ask lots of questions.  Its so easy to blame so many health problems on our RA, I know I used to have a DR who said to me when i went to him with stomach pains.."oh its your RA, turned out it wasnt.
I had a heart cath as I cant run on the treadmill either and they arent the nicest of things to have but at least that way they will have a better idea of things.
Take care and I am thinking of you
Don't be scared. I know for a fact that you are not only going to be okay but actually better than ever.
waddie!!! whine all you want...  you've earned the right.
This will be, as lev said, a good thing... I know others having had this done that felt like they lost a decade of aging... 
do not worry dear one...... you will be fine.. keep us in the loop and we will hold you close for all your tests and surgery..... 
Waddie..  it's FIXABLE!
At the very least you know that..
 Get the TEE, get another cath..maybe we can go in on the same day..
ask for the good drugs..  versed is your friend.
check out   it has tons of good heart info
  you have  always been there and so strong for me, take a little of your own courage and use it for yourself.
[QUOTE=waddie] [/QUOTE]

You bring the whine, we'll bring the cheese... and make it a party!
I hope they can fix your broken heart.
Much and many prayers for you and your family.
Hugs to you as well.
I'm sorry about the shocking diagnosis.  You will do great.  Valve replacements are very successful these days.  You will be better than ever!
Waddie I wish you a safe and successful surgery.  Keep the faith.  You'll be OK! I'll pray for your strength and peace in knowing you're in His care.
We're here for you. Keep us posted with your TEE results.
Oh Waddie! So sorry to hear but glad you went back in before it was any worse. My cousin's little baby had major heart surgery with several valve replacements when he was 7 days old and he's a healthy little boy now. You'll be a star