ENOUGH of RA Friends retaliations | Arthritis Information



You ( the members of RA Friends) started the RA friends board because you could not poll or have a real time chat's in here. So another board was opened (RA Friends).   You came to this board and influenced other members of this board to leave it and join yours.  (Often)...  which could be construed as SPAMMING.  No one said anything to RA Friends about doing that.  We all tried to live in harmony.  BUT and like I always say,  "there is always a BUT"... You had to bring your juvenile arguments into this board because Roxy signed off from being a member on the RA Friends board and came back here and you where not done ripping her over the threshold.  To me that says she wanted to start over and her choice to do that was this board "AI".   So... shouldn't the arguments have stop then????

People come to these boards because they have reasons to...Who cares what those reasons are, or how they present them. (as long as they consider the feelings and rights of other members) Are we  not a support board? and are we not suppose to support people and try to help each other?  NOT attack them, because YOU find them less than perfect.  I personally find this be an INSULT to myself and all the other board members that you had to bring this to our board and make us part of your un-mature attitude.

Please remember that support boards are just that.  That does not mean that everyone is going to see Eye to Eye...Frustrstions happen but you need to learn how to look the other way and move on.   SO I am asking you to do just that...MOVE ON...  Come back to AI, when you are in a more supportive mood.

Thank You,

Waddles aka Toni

AI member and Ra Friends member.

waddles38751.4047106481Very nice, Toni

puh-lease roxy grow up


 If you know how long she's logged onto AI, then does that mean you are also logged in as long and watching her? Maybe you have the problem

Listen, here's the thing...Roxy doesn't bother anyone on RAFriends, why do you and the others from RAFriends continue to come here to bother her?  Why not just leave her alone, she's not bothering you.  One thing is for sure, by you guys keeping this going, it sure shows the rest of the people here who the REAL troublemakers are.

you are logged on as much as she is. are you her body guard?

How brave of you to hide behind a different name and spy on ppl.  Rather pathetic if you ask me.

Excuse me but I go to both sites and will continue going to both sites this is  enough!!!!!  I am sorry but it seems people are getting very petty around here and it needs to  stop everyone needs to back off. Both postings need to go to the archives and stay there.  I am on neither side but I am ashamed of how  people are behaving over this.  We are grownups, not little children and we all need to act like grownups, cripes my daughter's friends behave better than this!!!!   If I offend anyone I am sorry, but I am so ashamed of how people are acting, and think of what this looks like to newbies that are coming to AI, they must be hobbling as fast as they can to get away from this site.  so please stop all of this!!!  meme

I left RA friends because of this foolishness. I have a feeling I won't be  coming here much any longer.

I am dealing with a severe life altering illness. I'd like to find a support board on the net where people who also share this illness can talk to each other about dealing with the illness, things that help, things that dont, how to manage everyday life.

If anyone knows about any website/messsage boards that are intended to provide support for people  who have RA, could they please email me?


Ditto, Waddles.  Yay for your post!

Meme--you're right!  This stuff drives newbies away.  So sad.

Kathy--stick around awhile longer.  I think it'll get better.

To everyone who's hating this foolishness, I think there's only one way to handle it.  If the perpetrators start up again, we have to ignore them totally.  Fight the urge to add to their thread, even by just telling them to stop.  We can simply boycot their threads.  Simple.  What do you think? 




Sounds like A good plan to me....I am all for it.

waddles well said! like kathy in wals i to came here to see my friend roxy and i saw that lovie and brendsready and a few others where here.i was very excited. when joonie and who ever else from RAf stared up i could not believe it. i thought what is wrong with those people. because of what was said my these people i will not go back to RAF because some of those people are monitor over there. from what i have seen everyone is pretty supportive here.



I am sorry that it went that far that I felt compelled to say something. 

I too was very happy to see some of the old gang back here. 

Maybe now things will get back to normal. 

I am keeping my finger and toes crossed that it will.



Can I hang out in both places?


Mike,  The majority of members go to both places.  You don't even have to take sides
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