It's Gotta Be... | Arthritis Information


It's gotta be the solumedrol that was making me feel like I was starting to improve again.

That usually gives me a couple good days as well. Maybe the Remicade hasn't fully kicked in yet....How long have you been on the Remicade Joonie? Since the last week of Dec '07. I was getting it every 8 weeks. Then there were a couple of times I did not get my infusion in '08.
I do have to say... I am doing much better on the Remicade than I was on the Humira.
It is probably time to just run with RDs suggestion and change my biologic.
Remicade has worked, and was happy with the results I was getting from it. But I must say... how the heck do you get inflammation of your freaking bones... when you think something is working on you? I have not really thought about it much, since I read my report, and then today while I was sitting at in-laws bored out of my mind, I thought about it, and just could not comprehend it at all.
At least I will not have pain for a few more weeks, only if it does not rain between now and then. I will take ANY no pain meds days I can. I just want to be doing well all the time and not just when it decides to let me do well. I just want to get on with my life and do the things I should be able to do.
Annoying CRAP! You notice with is in the middle of the word "crap"? RA... LOL!
