i get to go to the doctor tommorow | Arthritis Information


so i got a doctor appointment tommorow lol

i hate those tho
and the worst part is
mondays r also the day i get bloodwork done
so im gonna hate tommorow lol
anyways im happy tho
cuz im going out to eat after the doctor appointment
but i still hate seeing the doctor lol
While I'm not a fan of bloodwork...UGH!  I do like going to see my RD.  He's funny, nice and he's also very attractive.  That makes the visits much easier to tolerate... lucky
my doctor's old and wrinkly and ugly
and he creeps me out lol
poor Star!! 
I told you, old and wrinkly means .... smart and learned!!  ooh so i had my blood taken
and it hurt a little
but it wasnt so bad... cuz then i got to eat some McDonald's
and in about 2 hours
i gotta go see the old wrinkly doctor
and he's gonna be boring
BUT then i get to go out to eat
so im happy
My doctor is old too but I like him a lot. He has many years of experience. of course he's not creepy either!
Enjoy your lunch!
yup i get to go to Friendly's
last nite for dinner i went to chili's
this mornin i ate McDonald's
and for lunch im gonna go to Friendly's
i think i go out to eat too much lol
Are you taking prednisone Star?yeah
and i hate it lol
lots of side effects lol
Well one side effect is a voracious appetite! Be careful if you give into all these cravings you will gain ALOT of weight. As a young lady I'm sure that will "annoy" you too. yeah i gained like almost 20 pounds lol
yeah i get to go out to eat every time i go to the doctors
its so fun lol
so i just got back from the doctorz
and he wasnt as bad as i thought he'd be
so now:
instead of takin prednisone 2 and a half pills twice a day
i take 3 in the morning and 1 at night
so its lowered by 10 mg, yay
im still takin mtx, no change for that
and i only need blood every 2 weeks now
instead of every week
so im ok now lol
altho im still sick lol
that's not a bad RD visit at all, Star....... and you got to eat out!!  LOL.
glad you're reducing the pred......
keep up the good work.. and watch that sugar yeah my mom's not gonna check it tonight
cuz she thinks it'll be high
after eating the ice cream and stuff
I somehow missed this thread, so Hi and Welcome Star.  Most of us understand the steroid munchies and like you I eat out after each blood test and doctor's visits - hear that, Shug? 
I treat myself to fast food about every 3 months and today was the day.......Jack's for a sirloin burger and believe me it's sitting very heavy in my tummy.  Have a good dinner and it's also good to take less Prednisone.  Lindy 
oh cool u eat out too after ur doctors visits and stuff
i eat fast food like every week
once or more lol
Star, you're 13 years old and I'm one of those ugly, wrinkly people .........who gets fat from too much fast food!!  You burn off the calories better than I do.  Lindy oh yeah i rememberz
i think my mom mentioned one time
that when ur older, ur metabolism is slower
thats why my mom is a lil bit fat lol
[QUOTE=StarPerson121]oh yeah i rememberz
i think my mom mentioned one time
that when ur older, ur metabolism is slower
thats why my mom is a lil bit fat lol
Watch out Star, you're stepping into unknown territory.............oh ok lol
waits... what dat mean anywayz?

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